Entry 4 - The Mysterious Village (Part 2)

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I wandered out of the den in the lab, but with unfortunate timing, I ended up stepped on by the scientist, with her sock pressing down on me. She noticed something was beneath her and looked down, spotting me.

She leaned down and picked me up. "Fascinating... what are you?" She seemed intrigued by me. "I just have to run a few tests." She walked back to the room she had come out of previously, with me in hand. I sat there anxiously, not wanting any part of these "tests" she mentioned.

She gently dropped me into a small glass tank, like a lizard or snake. She pulled out a tiny syringe. "This won't hurt much, I promise." She stuck it in and collected a small blood sample. She put it in some machine which seemed to read info about my current state.

"Interesting. You have much higher durability than I would expect for someone of your size." She picked up one of those red and white orb things from before and pressed the button. It opened up from a hinge and a beam of light shot down to the ground ahead of me. It formed into some kind of snake-like creature.

"Alright, Ekans, time for a test. And, don't worry, little guy, this is just for science. You'll be fine." She then instructed this "Ekans" thing to... eat me!? I tried to run, but remembering I was surrounded by glass, I quickly gave up.

Ekans approached me and clamped its jaw, trapping me in its mouth. It apparently swallows its food whole. Then it happened. I was sent down this creature's throat. As much as I wanted to press a button on this device to get out of here, I felt I could trust this scientist lady.

I sat in the snake thing's stomach for a few minutes, but I didn't feel like I was burning. It was almost like it was some kind of neutral liquid in there, or maybe it just couldn't digest me.

I heard the scientist's voice speaking from outside my fleshy prison. I couldn't understand, but after I started being squeezed back through the Ekans's mouth, I knew she told it to let me out.

She explained more about how I'm apparently resistant to stomach acids, at least of whatever a "Pokémon" is. She says though, she'll need to do a test with human acids tomorrow...

Author's Note: I'm enjoying writing this so far! I hope anyone who's reading this can enjoy it. While this story is more of a sexual fantasy thing, where people can get their fixings (if you know what i mean), it's also my first real overarching story. Thanks for reading!!

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