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"██████ please don't go..."

Two male can be seen standing outside the school. One with H/c hair and the other with dark hair who's preparing to leave for a mission.

Confused, ██████ looked at his friend who's preventing him to leave. "Don't worry Y/n this won't take to long i'll be back in no time" he smiled and gave his friend a headpat before leaving.

The H/c male looked up and watched as ██████ walked away.

Later that day, Y/n cried and hugged the lifeless body of ██████.


"██████ please! Let me join you!"

Two male can be seen standing outside the school. One with H/c hair and the other with dark hair who's preparing to leave for a mission.

Worried, ██████ looked at his friend who's begging him to accompany him in this simple mission. "Y/n. Please i already told you no. I don't want you to get hurt" He apologized as he gaze into Y/n's eyes.

He can see the tears that are threatening to fall down. He move closer to him and wiped the tears from his eyes. "I promise i'll be back and after this we can enjoy some ice cream together"

The H/c male watched as ██████ walk away. Y/n fell into his knees and cried.

Later that day, ██████ was announced dead after failing the mission.


"I won't let you go to that mission even if it means i have to fight you until you're legs can no longer hold you up"

Two males faces each other under the pouring rain,both males are in a fighting position and ready to act if one of them decided to make a move.

"Why are you so worried! It's just a regular mission, why are you going to such length just to stop me!" ██████ voice echoed through the heavy rain.

Before the two can engage into a fight, Y/n body suddenly gave up when he felt a dart pierced his back. With shaking eyes he look back and saw his other friend running towards them.

"Satoru! Suguru!" The said names hurriedly went beside him. The white haired male went to restrain Y/n's body so he won't cause more trouble.

"Geez Y/n. What's up with you lately" Even with Satoru on top of him,Y/n still tries to stand up so he can save him.

In the background,██████ said his goodbye to his black haired upperclassman. Before going to the mission, he went to Y/n to say his farewells to him as well.

"Im sorry Y/n but i have to do this. I promise i'll comeback and treat you with some ice cream after i finish" He wiped the tears that falls from his E/c eyes.

Y/n quickly turn his head to the side greeting his teeth trying to stop his tears. "Shut up! Just go already! Stop making promises that you know you can't keep!" After holding his tears for too long it finally burst out like a fountain staining his cheeks.

Even under the heavy rain he can still see the tears on Y/n's eyes. Sighing,██████ stood up and bid Satoru farewell before turning around and leaving them to go to his mission.

After their other kohai left, Satoru decided it was time to go back. "Don't worry about him Y/n you know he can do it by himself! Have more trust in him for once" The white haired male stand up and picked up the paralyzed male under him.Y/n stayed silent and just let Satoru carry him back to school.

Suddenly the heavy drops of rain stopped. Satoru and Suguru can be seen standing still in their current position without a sign of movement or breathing.

E/c eyes opened and watched as the world stood still. Droplets of water float in the air as Y/n carefully let himself fall to the ground without touching Satoru.

He walked forward until a portal appeared infront of him. Without hesitation he went inside the portal, darkness engulfed him and his vision turned black.

When he opened his eyes he was back at his room in his old house. The brightness of the sun invade his room through the open window. A knock at the remove him from his thoughts.

"Y/n. Wake up or you'll be late for school! There's already breakfast downstairs" It was his mother.

She was the first thing that confirms it worked once again.

He went back in time.

Back where he first meet them.

meet HIM.

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