Twenty-two - Vituperation

Start from the beginning

"Please," I beg. "This is his space, sir."

"It is. And I want to fuck you on his desk." As he speaks, he's tearing my jacket open and undressing me.

No! I can't do this here! It's bad enough we do this at all when Vader was very, kriffing, clear!

And yet, I cry out in pure ecstasy when he pulls my now-exposed breast into his mouth. Then his hands are pushing my pants down and I have no idea what to do. My body is screaming for him but my mind is torn.

"Please," I try again, albeit weakly. His eyes meet mine, but his hands continue. My shoes are pulled off at the same time as my pants, and suddenly I'm fully naked—even my hair is free.

Still staring at me, he straightens and tugs my body flush against his. Our faces are a mere inch apart, and my heart is pounding.

"If I touch your pretty pussy, what will I find, Kitten?"

"Oh gods," I whimper. What does this man do to me?

"That's what I thought." His hand tightens on the back of my neck. "I am going to fuck you until you are drooling on his desk, Kitten. And only then will you be crying for those gods." He leans closer, his lips against my ear. "But even they cannot save you from me, little one."

Then he's kissing me, just as hard as the first one. I'm forced back, almost flat on the desk, only his hands keeping me from lying down. I can feel his hard cock against my stomach, and within seconds, I'm trying to shift my body higher, rubbing myself against whatever part of him I can find.

Fuck, Vader is going to kill us both.

I gasp when he's suddenly turning me around, the cold desk against my stomach and breasts.

"You know," he says in a dark tone, and I feel him rubbing himself against my ass and down to my clit. "I hope he walks in."

I gasp at that because absolutely not!

But then he's slamming into me and I'm crying out. His hard, incredible cock spreads me apart—and yes, I'm soaked, pulling him in like it gives me life.

He stops once he can go no further, and then somehow pushes in harder.

"Yeah, that's right, Kitten. Take every fucking inch," he seethes the word and tries to go even deeper, never once pulling back. I have no idea if his whole dick is sheathed, I just know any further and he might as well rip me apart. "You'll take me when I want you, where I want you." He leans down while pulling my upper half up to meet him, his breath tickling my neck. "Isn't that right, Kitten?"

"Yes," I moan.

"What's that?"


He growls. Why do I love that sound? It's barely human, but it makes me squeeze around him. By now, I'm not sure how much of my body is touching the desk. I'm almost flush against him, and he still hasn't pulled back, still hasn't started thrusting into me.

"That's right, little one. Your body knows who you belong to." Slowly, so damn slowly, he starts pulling out of me. "You can serve my master like the good little girl you are, but your body is mine."

He slams into me, and I am completely under his control. My bones are gone, I think. One of his hands is on my stomach, the other on my neck, both of them holding me still. This time, he doesn't hold himself inside, immediately pulling back.

Oh, thank the stars. I'm making noise, I know this, but I just want to come. I just want the release. He feels so good, and I know he is right. I have no control over this, the way I feel as if I physically cannot live without this.

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