{ CHAPTER 4 - }

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The breeze was thick and raspy, and the snow was heavy on paws and feet.

Kara was in the snow, desperate for free air and a face to find. "Anybody out here?" The pups' ears blew in the wind. "Anyone?" She called.

Her voice echoed through the trees and faded into the snow behind.

Kara sprinted through the thick snow and panted with every stretch and squeezed her legs.

She tripped and tumbled sideways, her fur getting covered in the white texture below. She wobbled and struggled to stand. But it was too thick and too windy. When she tried pulling herself up, she fell once again.

But she looked up to the shadowy figure like before. "Please help me!" She pleaded. "Please, save me!"

"We can leave together! Please don't leave us here!"
"Huh?" Chase crouched below, staring at the pup's body. "Is she asleep?" Skye asked , walking a bit closer.

"It appears so.. I hope so.." Mumbled the shepherd.
"I haven't seen any pup like this..not in a day either."

"Something must've happened.." Chase muttered.
"I'm afraid something did." Zuma pouted.

"Something had to, I mean, she looks so nervous. She's been panicky. She's fainted -"

"Remember, nobody asks how this happened. It can trigger things." Marshall said.
"We know, Marshall. I hope she wakes up soon.." Chase dipped his head low.

"She will.." Skye murmured, "She will."

Kara jolted awake, panting heavily. Noticing the pups, she stumbled back, slipping her back on a basket.

Her sight was only snowy, dark. "New pup?" Skye leaned in.  "Maybe she should be given another check-up?" Zuma asked, turning to Marshall.

Skye stared anxiously at the pup, sensing her distress from a few pawsteps.
She backed away slowly, "Everyone, give her some space..."

With Skye's order, the pups stood back. She stepped away as well.

"She's in much distress. This is how Chase---"
Before she could finish, Kara snapped back into reality, quivering and covering herself up.

Chase stared forward, looking back to remember his past.
"It's okay, Chase. It's all over now." Rubble turned to comfort. The two sat, Chase took a long glance to Kara and Skye, as Kara was curled up.
Skye pet the pups' head, delivering soft, calm brushes along her fur.

"Everything's okay now. You're with us. The Paw Patrol."

Kara looked up with tears, still traveling down her face.

The pups, including Ryder, saddened, staring at the down pup.

"You should rest." Chase stepped ahead, looking up with sad eyes. "Please. It's for the best of your health."
Skye and the others nodded. "You should listen to Chase. Come on, let's get you back to your bed."

"I wonder what's the matter with her." Rocky said, looking to Zuma, "So do I," He replied, "Poor dude."

"Why don't we try and lighten it up a bit? Maybe pup-treats?" Rubble suggested.

Rocky and Zuma shook their heads, continuing to stay lost in thought. What could be wrong?

Chase and Skye sat separate from the group, Skye put her paw on Chases, looking up to him with soft, sad eyes. "I know how she feels. She acted like you the day the others and I visited, and the day you returned to Adventure City."

"I know. She was scared. Something was wrong, but we can't question it. Who knows what it could trigger."

"I know, Chase. If she stays in Adventure Bay, I'm sure we'll know of it one day."

"I want to know, but I also don't. Hearing others' stories, regardless of what emotion it brings, it brings me back to mine. I hate to see others' suffer from their past." Chase looked away.

"Me too."

Skye sighed, "But, remember; we do not ask anything..." Skye stared, her eyes blazed with slight fear.

Chase pulled Skye closer, giving her a hug, " Understood."

Kara remained upstairs, shuddering. Her pain stung like a venomous bite. "Here you go." Ryder placed a food bowl next to her. Kara looked up weakly, continuing to whimper.

"I don't know what you've gone through," Ryder whispered, "But whatever it is, we can help you if you need anything."

Ryder gave Kara a pat. He stood from his crouch and walked off.

Kara glanced down at the bowl. Her body was so weak in hungry, but she just turned her head, drifting into sleep.


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