1. The Star

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Hi to whoever is reading this, first thank you and second just wanted to inform you that first four chapters are about our main characters, aka Sirius, Remus, James and Peter. After that, the real story will begin :) Please be patient since I want to properly introduce everyone and the world before we start with the action <3

Sirius Black

August 1971.

12th Grimmauld Place

Sirus Orion Black III. Son of Walburga and Orion Black. The heir of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black. Born on November 3rd 1959. Named after his deceased relatives and the brightest star in the sky, a star that is part of the Canis Major constellation, or more commonly known as a dog constellation.

Like in the stars where Canis Major loyally follows its mythical master Orion, Sirius will follow in his father's footsteps. He is destined to be the next leader of one of the most powerful, pureblood wizarding families. But Sirius was never the one to blindly follow destiny.

He was currently at one of his family's gala nights. Walburga, his dear mother, tried for hours on end to explain to him the difference between a gala night and a dinner party. Her explanation was that dinner parties were more exclusive, a gathering where attendees which consisted mostly of family members, could let loose and enjoy a bit of gossip along with other topics. As for the galas, those were way more open, needless to say the invitations were sent only to the members of the sacred twenty-eight, the twenty-eight British truly pureblood families.

That was the reason why on these occasions you could only hear the same last names repeated for an infinite amount of time. If, by any chance, your ears pick up on an unfamiliar name, it's always due to the discussion about their blood impurity and blood-traitorous behaviors. Other topics would include the existence of muggles, the incompetence of the Ministry of Magic to acknowledge the problems with muggleborn witches and wizards, and hate for the current Hogwarts headmaster, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.

In Sirius' opinion, the difference was mostly in food. On dinner parties you will have a 6-course meal while sitting at a large table and you will not have to communicate with family members beyond pleasantries. On the gala nights, however, you are expected to stand, drink expensive champagne and socialize with guests. The last being essential for making connections with the currently most important people in the Wizarding World, especially because most of them are in very high positions at the Ministry of Magic and you always want to have secret links at the Ministry.

Being the heir of the House of Black, Sirius was currently listening to none other than Abraxas Malfoy, a tall wizard with an arm long, platinum blonde hair. The man was the Youth Representative for the Wizenagmot, the Wizarding World's highest court of law. Occasionally joining the conversation in support of his father's opinions, was Lucius Malfoy, a fifteen-year-old boy and a future fifth grade Hogwarts student who looked like a miniature version of Abraxas.

Most of the gala was spent trashing Albus Dumbledore due to the start of new school year just in a couple of weeks. Sirius was trying with all his strength to not roll his eyes at every word that came out of the blonde's mouth. He kept his back straight and face expressionless, but could not keep from tapping fingers on the glass in his hand caused by annoyance.

While speaking, Abraxas still carried that haughty tone of his, but the whole noble character was broken due to the disgusted expression on his face, "I can't believe Dumbledore is still, in 1971, supporting mudbloods and blood-traitors. We are on the verge of magical revolution and he is still denying it. He should have forbidden them attending Hogwarts years ago! That school was once prestige and now, it's just a charity case for everybody who asks.", he repeated probably for the fiftieth time in an hour.

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