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Ali ran as fast as possible to lose track of Rudy. He need to find BoBoiBoy or something else would happen.

"Ali! Stop right there!" shouted Agent Leon as he tried to shoot Ali in the leg to slow him down.

Ali dodged all the attacks with ease. Just a little bit more and he can get out of this residential area.

He can't go to Fang's house yet.

Ali run until he see Rintis Island Wet Market which is full of civillian.

'I can hide there!'

But before he got there, something hit him from behind and he fell down.


Ali huffed and crashed on the piles of boxes and glass.

Shards of broken glass pierced both of his hands when he tried to get up.

His body felt numb and he knew who the attack was from.

Agent Rizwan jumped down from the high wall and approached Ali.

"I told you before,Ali. You can't run away." Agent Rizwan said coldly. The mentors began to approach them both.

Ali looked at the market desperately, hoping there was help he could find.

Like a light in the darkness, he saw Auntie Wawa and Auntie Yang, Yaya and Ying's mother.

Ali kicked Rizwan a few feet back before getting up and running.

"Auntie Wawa! Auntie Yang! Help me!!"

The two women who heard their names being called turned their heads and saw 'BoBoiBoy's younger brother' running towards them followed by several other strangely dressed adults.

"Iris? What happened?" asked Auntie Wawa. Ali hides behind the two of them.

"Auntie, please! Someone is trying to kidnap me! T-They are BoBoiBoy's enemy!" said Ali.

Even though it's just a scam for him to escape, as long as he is safe,he would use it.

Then the two mothers noticed that Ali's hands were bleeding.

"Oh God, Iris! Why are your hands bloody?!" asked Auntie Wawa in a panic while holding Ali's hand gently just like a mother holding her own child's hand.

Auntie Yang? She is ready to fight this mf-

"Hey! Who are you all?! Child kidnapper? Are you seeking for trouble with our town superhero?!" Auntie Yang yelled angrily. Agent Rizwan as the professional,stepped out while the other mentors stay behind.

"Ma'am, this is an official business. We need to take the boy to his guardian." said Agent Rizwan.

Hah, you think Auntie Yang would believe you?

Auntie Yang kept looking at 'Iris' who was now being persuaded by Auntie Wawa.

"I don't know them aunty... I'm not lying.... Ouch.." said Ali again,putting his best act as 'helpless little child'.His hands began to feel hurt from the shards embedded into his palms.

That was enough to convince Aunty Yang and Aunty Wawa.

"Alright, alright all of you leave now before I call the police!" said Aunty Yang as she took out her phone.

"Huh, don't bother the police! Call BoBoiBoy directly! Let him deal with the person who tried to kidnap his little brother!" said Aunty Wawa.

Seeing the crowd begin to gather to see what happened, MATA had no other choice but to retreat.

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