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A week has passed since the day's supermarket incident, now BoBoiBoy and Ali are more vigilant. Ali makes sure IRIS is always with him when he goes out with BoBoiBoy or his friends so that he can detect any other agents who try to come and attack.

"Ochobot, take care of the shop,alright? We are going out. If there is anything suspicious, contact me immediately!" BoBoiBoy said while hugging Ochobot.

"Yes, yes! I know! Well, go on! I'm good at managing this store. I'm still the best employee at this Kokotiam~" said Ochobot while showing the picture of his best employee at the wall. BoBoiBoy and Ali laughed.

"Yes, yes. Be careful! One wrong move and you'll see my picture as the next best employee next to you later." Ali joked while rubbing Ochobot's head.

"Huahuahua! In your dream!" said Ochobot again. Once again BoBoiBoy and Ali laughed before they walk away.

"We are going to meet the gang. Why do we have to meet at the park?" asked Ali. He and BoBoiBoy want to go to the park where he and his other friends always hang out.

"It's dangerous to be at Tok Aba's Kokotiam. Who knows, like you said, there are undercover agents lurking around!" said BoBoiBoy. Ali nodded in understanding before using IRIS.

"For safety." Ali grinned while BoBoiBoy rolled his eyes playfully.

"Haha, yes." laughed BoBoiBoy while pushing Ali slowly. Ali laughed too.

After a long walk, they arrived. BoBoiBoy jump and landed on a monkey bar while Ali just sit on a seesaw.

He didn't get to jump as high as BoBoiBoy. QwQ

"Eh, Ali. What happened with your friend,Viktor? I'm sorry if I just asked now, but I want to know. But if you don't want to tell me, that's fine." asked BoBoiBoy. Ali just looked at the ground before taking a deep breath.

"His father had to change jobs, so his family had to move. He promised that even though he had moved, he would still contact me. But it's been five months, he hasn't contacted me at all." said Ali. BoBoiBoy nodded in understanding.

"But it's okay. I understand he's busy. At least I have you! You can split to 7. And all your friends are so good to me. So I feel like my life is perfect." said Ali. BoBoiBoy and Ali laughed before a glint interfered with BoBoiBoy's vision.

"Eh, Ali? Is it just me or did you also see that tree has like something shining?" asked BoBoiBoy slowly. Ali looked at BoBoiBoy before using IRIS to look at it more closely.

"That....Huh-?! BoBoiBoy, get down!!"

Ali pulled BoBoiBoy down from the monkey bar, at the same time, a small ball exploded where BoBoiBoy was sitting just now.

Ali examined the small ball.

Just like the bullets Alicia always uses.

"He already knows. Everyone is out now."

At the same time, all the young MATA agents appeared, surrounding Ali and BoBoiBoy.


Ali's body started to shake.

' way...Why so fast...?'

Unconsciously, he moved behind BoBoiBoy and gripped his shirt tightly. BoBoiBoy who noticed Ali's shivering gently rub Ali's shoulder trying to calm him down.

'His body is shaking badly....I have to take him away..'

BoBoiBoy turned to face the MATA agents.

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