Letting go..

349 21 7

Maybe.. I love him?- Fourth

I feel so comfortable with him- Gemini


You know what is more painful in love? It's one-sided love...

Especially when that person is your bestfriend and that person sees you as their comfort zone..

Again, it's not their fault. It isn't...

It was the expectations and stupid heart that just couldn't let go.

Learn this story of two young boys who were strangers, not totally strangers actually..

They studied in the same school but never spoke with each other. One was a scholar, a topper who spend his all the time just on books... While the other, he was a total crackhead, who just wants fun..

They never crossed their paths after school, at least not until this trip..

A trip to the hills changed both their lives..

Without realizing, they became two different person, when they were with each other..

One, who slowly fell in love while the other who just doesn't believe in this..

Read the story of them about how you let go of a one-sided love..


It was night time and teenagers were having a blast on their trip.. Alcohols, cigarettes, music and games.

Everyone was having fun with all these stuffs, except the two.

"Stop this Gem... Please" A soft voice which sounded like a beg whispered to the other who was not letting go of the novel he was reading..

"Fourth.. I know you want to feel this... I can see it. Why are you stopping yourself???"

Fourth, who was tired with all the teasing finally looked up, straight into the eyes..

"You won't understand this.. Yes, I want to come but I just can't, okay.." The stressed voice and the tired eyes started to feel wet.

"It was always so easy for u." The voice came out as a whisper. "Remember in school time? You were the center of attention. You were the cool kid and were loved by everyone."

There was a long pause.. The voice was drained out but he had to speak..

"But remember how I was? I didn't have any friend.. I was just a silent kid who just studies every time .. I could never enjoy anything that time and I still can't cuz.. coz I am just boring"

Nobody spoke a word and silence filled the place.. It felt like a the voices that were gone finally came back.

"Boring? You call yourself boring?" Gemini finally stood up, taking the younger face in his palm. "YOU are the most cool person I ever met "

Gemini let out a small smile.. While Fourth fell butterflies in his stomach.. HE let go of the hands

"Stop this lies." He started to walk back into his tent, trying to calm down his heart..

"You think I'll lie?" The voice made him stop, but again started walking..The older also followed him.

"You literally know every song we listen, line by line.. You came to this place all by yourself in a pack of stranger, you know how to fight and protect yourself.." Gemini finally stood up in front of the younger, again holding his face.. "You are not boring , Fourth.. You just need a little encouragement to love yourself more.. You are fine, just the way you are."

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