Walking into the room, within the presence of everyone who came out to support her, was too surreal. Her heart raced from the emotion that consumed her, seeing how many people filled up the space she'd utilized for her grand opening to her company. She wanted to cry, tears of joy, but she quickly blinked it back to refrain from messing up her makeup.

"Hi gorgeous!" Kimora's loud voice sounded over the thoughts that spoke through Amerie's head, bringing her focus over to her best friend who rushed up towards her with Nariah along her hip.

"Ki!" Amerie breathed out, her arms immediately wrapping around Kimora tightly. She needed her best friend for comfort in the moment, one of the only people who'd watched her really build from the ground up.

"Amerie I am so fucking proud of you, and I hope you're proud of yourself seeing all of this here right now." She spoke softly in her friends ear, before the two pulled away from one another just as Nariah began to whine and reach for her aunt. "Okay girl, calm all that down. Fake ass baby, I'm tired of her." Kimora rolled her eyes, seeing the way her daughter hugged up against Amerie who didn't hesitate in grabbing the baby girl.

"Don't talk about my baby like that." Amerie furrowed her eyebrows as she pressed a kiss into her nieces cheek. She gushed at how adorable the baby looked, with her purple sparkly dress and shoes. Alongside a purple bow that clipped into her short curly hair that coiled along her head.

Everytime she held her, it was such a bittersweet feeling. Baby fever didn't stop because one was told they couldn't carry anymore, instead it'd gotten worse because it seemed the entire opportunity was just stripped away. She was to a point in her life where she found such peace and solitude in her one child, that she wished she could experience such feelings multiplied.

Her nieces and nephews were amazing to have around, and she loved them like they were her own. But it was incomparable to that of her own child, who busied herself with hugging up on Kimora.

"Kimora I can't believe all of this, like this is all for me." She breathed out, looking around to all of those who socialized.

Everything was on theme of a gala, considering she wanted the event to be nice and formal, which everyone seemed to adhere to. She was thankful for the excessive amount of photographers and videographers she'd hired, because she needed to see everything from any angle possible.

"All for you, and don't let anyone take away from your moment. My CEO, girl can you share your dope ass mommy please?" She glanced down to Malani who immediately shook her head no with a small pout lined along her lips.

"My mama...only." She spoke seriously, clearly not laughing and joking anymore.

"This little possessive child, lord she's gonna wear me the hell out." Amerie shook her head at her child who clung onto her legs. Laughing, Kimora reached out to grab back Nariah since she knew Amerie had to do her due diligences in going around to greet everyone, and make her presence known throughout the event.

"She get that from the man she came from-."

"Oop." Amerie smirked while covering her mouth, before her and Kimora both burst out laughing.

Giggling to herself, Amerie gently ushered Malani to get from around her legs so she could make her way throughout the event. "Stay with Ki so I can say hi to everyone. Keoni, Xy, and the rest of your cousins should be on their way." She told Malani who nodded in understanding, allowing Amerie to break off from them and walk around.

She hugged and greeted anyone who came into view, every single person wanting to stop and speak with her from her life-changing work. From investors, to her employees, to people who just came to support the cause of what exactly she was doing and the impact she was making with her work.

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐃𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum