"You know I was trying, Mom. I didn't have any other transportation. And I found out in a nap minutes before." She explained.

"You could have tried harder." The woman sneered. "Now I'm dead, all because of you."

Chloe gasped in horror at the lady before her and ran down the steps. She didn't stop until she was at the side of the building, leaning her back against the brick wall.

"Thinking you can run from me?" The voice sounded again, causing Chloe to stumble in fright. (Yes, thats a thing)

"Mommy, I'm sorry." Chloe sobbed.

"Sorry won't do anything." Her mother snapped. Then suddenly, her voice softened. "You killed me, Chloe. My own daughter."

"I didn't mean to." Chloe whispered.

"I guess the only sane thing is for you to kill yourself too..." her mom trailed, but smiled afterwards. "Then we can be together."

Chloe looked stunned. But she did want to see her mom again. And hug her. And do things that a mother and daughter would do.

"Do it Chloe." She whispered. A rusted pair of scissors lay a few feet away, buy the bus. She walked towards it, picking the old metal up.

"It'll be easy." her mom whispered. "Just go right to the heart; and there will be no pain. Just immediate death."

Chloe put the scissors to her chest, where her heart was located.

"On the count of three, ready Chloe?" Her mom smirked. "One...two...thr-"

She was cut off by an all to familar voice.

"Chloe?" Allison said. She turned around, the scissors still in position. "Whats wrong? Whatever it is, I can help you."

"I killed my mom." Chloe's voice cracked. "I was too late. I should have ran faster. I should- I should have-"

"Shhh. Chloe, it's okay. You didn't do anything. It wasn't your fault." Allison soothed.

"But it was, Allison." And then Chloe smiled a little. "And now I'm going to be with her, if you would kindly let me continue.."

Her mom reappeared, and continued. "Lets start again. One...tw-"

"Chloe, please!" Allison screeched. "I lost my mom too. I know how it feels. We were close, and she killed herself due to my family's code. But I'm okay. Because I've got amazing friends that help me. And we can can you too, Chloe. So please, don't do this. Cause I don't want to hurt you to stop you from doing something you'd regret."

"I'm sorry Allison. I just-" Chloe started, but Allison cut her off.

"Have you thought about your dad at all? How would he feel if you died? How would he feel knowing the two girls he cared about most were now both gone? It was probably enough losing his wife...but his 17 year old daugter too?" Allison pushed.

Chloe smiled and dropped the scissors, embracing Allison in a bear hug.

"Thank you, Allison. I don't know what got into me." Chloe said to the life-saving brunette.

"Anything for a friend. And besides, its been happening to all supernaturals except Lydia." She explained. "Now we have to find Scott."

But alas, Scott was right before them, trying to cover himself in gasoline and had a fire ignited in his hand. Stiles and Lydia ran down the steps, and saw it too.

"There's no hope." Scott cried.

"What do you mean? Theres always hope." Allison smiled.

"Not for me. Not for Derek." He continued, as Chloe wondered who the hell Derek was.
"Derek wasn't your fault. You know Derek wasn't your fault." Tears glistened in Allison's eyes.

"Every time I try to fight back, it just gets worse. People keep getting hurt. People keep getting killed." Scott's face fell.

"Scott, listen to me, okay?" Stiles said. "This isn't you, all right? This is someone inside your head telling you to do this. Okay? Now..."

"What if it isn't?" Scott started. "What if it is just me? What if doing this is actually the best thing that I could do for everyone else? It all started that night, the night I got bitten. You remember the way it was before that? You and me, we were... we were... we were nothing. We weren't popular. We weren't good at lacrosse. We weren't important. We were no one. Maybe I should just be no one again. No one at all."

This seemed to break the groups heart. Even Chloe, who just met him days ago.

"Scott, just listen to me, okay?" Tears fell from Stiles' eyes "You're not no one. Okay? You're someone, you're... Scott, you're my best friend. Okay? And I need you. Scott, you're my brother. All right, so... so if you're gonna do this, then... I think you're just gonna have to take me with you. All right?"

Stiles took the flare out of Scott's hands, throwing it backwards. The two hugged, but thats when Chloe noticed the flare rolling into some gasoline.

"Guys, watch out!" She screamed, tackling the boys away; along with Lydia and Allison.

"I don't want to know. I really don't want to know," Coach said, looking at the group of teenagers sleepimg on the bus. "But in case you missed the announcement, the meet's cancelled, so we're heading home. Pack it in. Pack it in!"

Chloe stretched, waking up from the uncomfortable nights sleep.

"Last night was fun," she joked, yawning afterwards.

"Mhm." Lydia said, just waking up as well. But she noticed something in Coach's whistle. A purple powder.

She stood up, and walked over to him. "Coach, can I see your whistle for a second?" Lydia took it without permission and handed it to Ethan. "What's that?"

"Hey, Eth... I'm gonna need that back. Ethan..." Coach trailed, longing for his beloved whistle.

"Wolfsbane." Lydia muttered, gaining Chloes attention and walked over.

"So every time the coach blew the whistle on the bus, Scott, Isaac, Boyd, Chloe..." Stiles said.

"And Ethan." Chloe butted in.

"We all inhaled it." Scott concluded.

"You were poisoned by it." Allison made her way over.

"So that's how the Darach got in their heads. That's how he did it." Stiles said. Chloe then took the whistle and threw it out the open window.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey! Ashtes!" Coach exclaimed.

Chloe just smiled and made her way back to her seat with Lydia and Allison; the three now practically inseparable after last night.

They sat down in the maroon seat, and actually acted like normal teenagers living a normal life.

Little did they know how bizarre it would become.


Hey guys im tired and my computer is dying so short authors note

Remember to follow vote and cpmment love you guys more than dylan obrien and tyler posey


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