Chapter 36: It Hurts Like Hell

Start from the beginning

  You feel a tight grasp on your wrist twisting it roughly.

Carmilla: You remember the rules of our game. I'm going to make you suffer, until I decide when you can die. Or, if you can kill me before then. But look at you. No Lenore, no Robin, no Victoria, no Wolfy.

  She snakes her sharp claws across your face, grabbing you by your cheeks, making you look at the image you see of her before you deep in her cold ice blue eyes.

Carmilla: No Morrigan, No Sean, no Verona, No Marishka-

  She grips your face tighter.

Carmilla: No Aleera. And especially, no Mommy dearest anymore. You took care of that one personally remember? Oh you remember the feeling of her guts on your hand when you stabbed her. Her corpse looked so pretty, I envy you. I wanted to personally kill you and your mother, but that whore wasn't worth an ounce of blood. With how she looked, she probably tasted like shit anyway.

Y/N: . . .

Carmilla: Oh what's wrong? Gonna cry? If only your mommy were here, or any of them really. You told them all right to their face how you didn't want them anymore. How you hated their guts, you even had the gall to nearly kill your beloved Aleera. Guess those roses died before they could even blossom.

Y/N: This coming from a coward like you? You're so self absorbed you ain't even let me die.

Carmilla: You forget, I'm the master here. You can spark up as much bravery as you can, but it's just embers. But don't worry, I'll make sure you get your wish. You'll get t die, alone. No one will miss you. Robin and Lenore will be happy off without you in their way of their love. The sisters will have even more power, Sleepy Hollow will be at peace. Without you. 

  She shoves you to the ground as you are just left stunned.

Carmilla: But, only when I say you can quite our game. You still have until Christmas. Then, I'll let you die in the loneliest way possible.

  Her visage vanishes, the fog clearing your mind as the door to your room is thrown open. Catherine looking at you holding the gun as her and Val enter.

Catherine: (Y/N)! What's wrong!? Are you okay?!

Y/N: . . . Christmas.

Catherine: What?

  You turn to her for a moment, but shake your head. Taking a deep breath.

Y/N: I just. . . Misfired my gun is all. I was just going. . . to class, then I got sick. Nothing major. I'm fine, just gotta, take another day off.

  Catherine looks at you with a stern look, but this time that stern look is mixed with a face of worry.

Catherine: You gotta tell me what's happening to you.

  You push her back some as you just storm past the two.

Y/N: I said I'm fine! I just. . . I need some air!

  You rush out of the house, leaping back to the streets as you just stat running. Not knowing what direction you're going, but only recalling Carmilla's words.

Carmilla: 'You still have until Christmas. Then, I'll let you die in the loneliest way possible.'

  It made you smile a bit, to think you couldn't wait for the holidays, just for the gift of your own death. But to allow Carmilla to do it, that's just a tragedy in and of itself. You'd be an even bigger failure, which only tore at your heart more because she knew that.

  All the hunts you went on were attempts at having or finding a beast that could kill you, since the demon inside wouldn't let you, thriving off of your pain and anguish. Watching as you burn brides so they won't be affected when you die.

  You think these thoughts over in your head until you bump into someone on the streets knocking them over.

  Quickly scurrying to your feet, you look down at the man you see.

Y/N: Dr. Jekyll?

Jekyll: Oh, (Y/N). Pleasure to see you after so long. I've heard some complex tales of your exploits, but I must ask. Isn't it a school day?

Y/N: I. . . Didn't feel like going. But, I need to go-

Jekyll: You know that you don't have anywhere to be off to. You seem to be running from something.

  He stands to his feet looking behind you as he adjusts his glasses.

Jekyll: And, from the quiet streets, I can only assume it isn't a monster.

Y/N: . . . You wouldn't understand. You don't know what I. . . What I. . . I can't handle this anymore. . . I want to die so badly. I need to die!

  Jekyll places a hand on your shoulder.

Jekyll: Why is it you crave death so badly?

Y/N: . . . So I can be with mom. . . and. . . yeah. . . That's al really.

Jekyll: (Y/N) I have been in this business a long time. If anyone knows about running from the past, it's me. Come, we can talk in my office. Maybe there you can clear your head and we can talk this out.

  You wanted to resist but you felt her gnashing at your mind, spitting venom at you and your struggle. The poor Van Helsing. The biggest failure of his line.

Y/N: . . . F-Fine. I guess. . . But on one condition.

Jekyll: What?

Y/N: I I tell you everything, you need to promise to not tell the others. Any of them.

Jekyll: I am a professional. I do not share anything outside of my patience trust.

Y/N: And two. Once I do say everything. You need to find a way to kill me. I want this all to end. Before Christmas.

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