A Job for Bloom Pt.4

Start from the beginning

Faragonda was stamping her approval for another gala at the end of term when the most secret and guarded ward tripped. 

Instantly, the aged fairy's eyes shot to the bookshelves left and forward of her desk. Her surprise only grew when the identification ward pinged back, revealing the magical signature of the culprit. 

'Impossible! The catacombs were on the other side of the school! Unless...they linked up...'

Startled, Faragonda waved her hand, her magic sealing the doors to her office. She did the same with the heavy curtains, her magic drawing them shut so any potential eyes outside could not look in. 

She then rose from her desk and hurried over to the bookshelf. She released her magic once again, the entire bookshelf glowing and shimmering in a pinkish-white hue, before it slid towards the front of the office, exposing a hidden passage. 

And out of it, emerged a frantic and pale Barbatea, with ashes in her hair and her clothes, soot and burn marks, smelling faintly of Krait Lizard blood, fire and smoke, her glasses slightly eschew, and her hair falling out of its elaborate design, stuttering and high-pitched. 

"Headmistress, headmistress, come quickly! It's her! She's attacking Ms. Sung!" 

Faragonda pushed past her and hurried down the stairs, taking them two at a time, her pace shifting into a run-walk as the stairs ended and the corridor began, leading to a bend that would take her to the most secure prison in Alfea. 

Her run-walk turned into a sprint as she heard the young fairy's screams of pain. 

As she rounded the final bend, coming before the short corridor that led to the door of the prison, it led to a very disturbing scene. 

Musa was sprawled out on the floor in her magenta and reddish-pink fairy form. Tears of blood streaming from her half-lidded eyes. Her skin was pale, far too pale for Faragonda's liking. Worse, blood matted her hair, and she was lying on one of her wings, the other flapping uselessly, like the girl's flailing arms that clutched her skull before she spasmed. 

Faragonda cast a light probe into her mind, finding the torn remnants of what had been mental barriers. Hesitantly--so as not to cause further damage to Musa's mind--she proceeded, finally arriving at the nexus where Ms. Sung's memories were stored. 

And she was unable to restrain her flinch, mentally recoiling at the powerful presence within. A presence that turned on her, attacking her mental barriers. 

Faragonda winced, bringing a hand to her temple, even as she strengthened her barriers, hissing in pain at the brutal, savage blows. It was unrefined, yet restrained, with an unpredictable elegance that came from the chess master she learned at the knee of. 

'Fara. I see you continue to fail the generations who came after us.' 

Faragonda stiffened at the accusation. 'It is you who attacks the innocent without care or cause,' she snarled mentally. 'You failed us all with your treachery.' 

'Who gives a flying fuck?' Was the blunt reply. 'They would've become another threat in time. I simply did the Magix Dimension a favor.' 

She could almost picture her former mentor's smug, arrogant look, the face of someone who knew that they held all the cards and they knew it. 

Then, her tone changed to cruel curiosity and a ravenous hunger. 'But enough talk. Tell me, Fara. Do you know what walks in these halls?' 

No. There was no way. She couldn't know! She couldn't! Ms. Peterson had yet to even unleash her inner Dragon! She couldn't know! 

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