So even when I grow old and senile I could never imagine myself loving someone.

But then how did I get in this situation?

"Hey! You done with your emo monologue, cause it's rude to ignore a god."

"Ahh readers, you must be confused about what's happening right now, so instead of me having to explain I'll just show you how we got here."

Air-chans POV…


Atsoumi was in his office going over the data from the generations.

When suddenly there was an earthquake.

'It's just an earthquake, nothing to concern myself over.' Atsoumi thought as he continued reviewing the data.

But then everything went dark.

Everything was gone, the shelves, desk, computer, chair, Atsoumi was just floating in an endless darkness.

"Ayanokoji Atsoumi I'll make this short since you're a busy man." A voice said.

"And who are you exactly?" Atsoumi asked, the sternness in his voice still there.

"I am what humans would call a god, to be more precise a god of love."

"And what would a god of love need with me? I have never loved before so you're wasting your time." Atsoumi said glaring at the god.

"It's not that I need something from you,bi need something from your son, what was his name again… oh yes Kiyotaka." The god said.

"And what would you need with him exactly?" Atsoumi asked.

"Well you see something incredibly urgent came up that caused me to make a mistake." The god said, fidgeting his fingers.

"And what is so urgent that it causes a god to make a mistake, and how does it involve Kiyotaka?" Atsoumi asked glaring at the god

"The truth is… originally, each human should only have one "soulmate." " The god said.

"Continue." Atsoumi said in a demanding tone.

"And you see, they were playing "laputa" on kinyo roadshow, and I may have or may have not accidentally put two extra digits for Kiyotaka." The god said, shutting his eyes.

"Is that all?" Atsoumi said.

"Y-yes." the god said, slightly downhearted.

"I don't see how that's a problem, Kiyotaka is never going to leave, so there is no point in worrying about soulmates." Atsoumi said.

The god was slightly taken aback before regaining his composure.

"I see…I have to apologize, but I knew this would happen so I had to add a special condition before coming here…" The god said.

"Excuse me." Atsoumi said, his eyebrow raising.

"You see, I am perfectly fine with a human not meeting their soulmate, it takes a lot of luck to due so, but as the god of love I am not okay with that being taken away, you son is merely a child and my mistakes have caused him to have 100 soulmates, usually I'd be fine with that, the chances of him meeting even one is very slim, but being forced here forever and never even getting the chance is what I'm against, so I added a rule that if Kiyotaka isn't taken out of this place in a day after my arrival, he will die." The god said.

"Huh, and why would I care? I have many others that could replace him, and besides you're a god it's none of your business to get involved." Atsoumi said.

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