Chap 1

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Chap 1
☆♡Two Is Better Than One♡☆

Air-chans POV…

A day has passed and now it's time for Kiyotaka's first day of school.

He was in his room getting dressed as he had woken up early, so he would be able to go for a short run and take a shower.

Once Kiyotaka was dressed, Matsuo called his name, informing him that breakfast was ready.

Kiyotaka went downstairs into the dining room.

"Good morning Ayanokoji-sama, breakfast will be served in a minute." Matsuo said with a smile.

"Alright." Kiyotaka replied.

Kiyotaka sat down on one of the chairs as Tsukishiro walked in.

"Welcome back Tsukishiro, breakfast will be served in a minute, join us if you'd like." Matsuo said.

"Gladly, I should have nothing else to do today, so I'll join. breakfast is the most important meal of the day after all." Tsukishiro said as he sat down.

As Tsukishiro sat down, Matsuo began serving breakfast.

It was simple, pancakes, eggs, and sausages.

Even though it was an average breakfast, it had enough calories to keep a person full for a while.

Once Kiyotaka finished his breakfast, he looked at the time and decided that he should head to school.

"Ah, Kiyotaka, would you like me to drive you to school?" Tsukishiro asked.

"No thanks." Kiyotaka replied.

"Alright." Tsukishiro said.

"Have a nice day at school, Ayanokoji-sama." Matsuo said with a kind smile.

"Sure." Kiyotaka replied as he grabbed his bag and opened the door.

"Goodbye." Kiyotaka said as he walked out of the mansion and closed the door.

Kiyotaka continued walking till he came across the gate.

But instead of him having to hop over it, this time, the gate opened automatically.

'This makes things easier.' Kiyotaka thought as he walked past the gate.

Kiyotaka continued walking towards his school, observing his surroundings while walking.

'This seems like a pretty peaceful place.' Kiyotaka thought as he continued walking.

Kiyotaka looked towards the road and saw a man crossing the road.

'He should really pay attention to his surroundings instead of daydreaming.' Kiyotaka thought.

While Kiyotaka continued walking, he saw a truck lose control and was going to hit the man.

'Welp he's done for.' Kiyotaka thought as he continued walking.

'Wait, this could make things less peaceful over here and make everything louder, and that would just be plain annoying.' Kiyotaka thought.

Kiyotaka let out a long sigh as he dashed towards the man.

Kiyotaka grabbed the man before the truck could hit him.

The truck ended up hitting a wall due to the man being moved.

'Poor poor truck.' Kiyotaka thought.

The man gasped.

"You saved me, thank you so so so much, I don't know what I would have done if I left my poor defenseless adorable amazing wonderful perfect daughter alone." The man thanked Kiyotaka refusely.

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