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100 Girlfriends!

Saturday 2012/04/14

Kiyopon POV…

Love, what is so special about it?

Love is a profound and universal emotion that has captivated humanity throughout history.

It encompasses a range of feelings, from deep affection and care, to passion and devotion.

Love has the power to bring people together, fostering connections and inspiring acts of kindness and selflessness.

It transcends boundaries, be it cultural, social, or personal, and has the ability to bridge differences and unite individuals in a shared experience of empathy and understanding.

At its core, love is a transformative force that enriches others lives and gives people a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

It fuels others desire to connect with others on a deeper level and forms the foundation of meaningful relationships.

Love can also manifest in various forms, including romantic love, familial love, and platonic love, each with its own unique dynamics and expressions.

It can bring joy, happiness, and a sense of belonging, but it can also be accompanied by vulnerability and the potential for heartache.

And some would say that it's the feelings you get from love that makes everything worth it, while others say it's the person you feel love for that makes everything better.

While others dislike love, saying that it leads to nothing except delusions, heartbreak, and despair.

Nobody can really say that love is something easy, love is hard for some people, and confusing for others.

Some don't understand love, they don't understand why they feel a certain way around certain people.

They don't understand why their heart aches when the person they love is with another.

They don't understand anything at all about love.

But me…

…I understand love yet I can't feel it, ever since I was younger I was incapable of feeling emotions.

Whether it be joy, too rage, I felt nothing.

I could understand everything about others emotions yet I never had my own.

It never mattered what happened.

It never mattered who it happened to.

I would never feel a thing, not once, not ever.

And in the end, all emotions became hindrances to me.

And love just became a potential tool or strategy to achieve certain goals or manipulate situations.

It's incredibly easy to use someone when they've fallen in love, especially with all the vulnerabilities it exposes and the potential for manipulation or exploitation.

Someone who is in love becomes blind to what the person they love does.

They don't care, it doesn't matter to them, all they cared about was the person they love, that's all.

So I would rather use someone who is in love, then fall in love and be used.

But even so.

I could never imagine myself pretending to love, it has no use, other emotions are much easier to manipulate than love.

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