"Leher bhabhi?" Jharna shook my body and made me get out of my thoughts. "Huh? Sorry...I was just lost...in some thoughts. Sorry." I replied hesitantly. "Why are apologising for that bhabhi?" She laughed at my reply and left the place. Stupid me.

"Maa, I'm leaving today to Mumbai. I'll be back by day after, okay?" Rahul said while getting his luggage downstairs. He's also going? "Bye, Jharna" he said while going near her and kissing her nose while she slapped his chest and pushed him away. The cutest. I was smiling and admiring their relationship. So young yet so mature. I'm so proud of them. "Bye, bhabhi." He came and hugged while I chuckled and ruffled his hair. "All the best." I said and let him go. "Thank you. Now bye everyone." He said and left through the door.

"Accha, bhabhi now that Abhi bhai and Rahul are not there, can I sleep in your room? I feel scared sleeping alone." She requested with her cute puppy eyes which no one could resist. "Fine" I playfully rolled my eyes.


It's been three days sins he left. Not a single call or text from him nor did I try. I badly want to but also don't want to disturb his important work. He must really busy or he would've called Maa at least. I wonder if he's doing okay? Is he eating on time? Let's not overthink.

Jharna has been sleeping in my room with me since three days and let me tell you, she's the cutest while sleeping. She pouts and lets out soft snores when in deep sleep. We both became pretty close to each other now and I hope this relationship stays the same. The only one missing now is Meera bhabhi.

It was 8 in the morning and I decided to go visit my parents today for some time as they miss me. I wanted to leave as soon as Abhi left but something in me wanted to stay. Stay once and see what happens. I know I'll regret but I really hope I don't. I still have hope in us though it's slowly going down. I don't want to give up on us though I'm tired.

"Maa" I called her as I entered her room. She look up from the book she was reading and nodded while smiling as a reply. An instant smile made its way to my face. "I'm going to my parents' place today. I'll be back by evening. Jharna is still asleep so I'll just prepare tea for everyone and leave?" I told her. "Okay. But don't wake up Jharna now. She was awake all night watching some movies." We both laughed and I nodded my head as a yes and left the room.

I went to the kitchen and prepared tea for everyone and then went to my room to take my handbag. Jharna might get worried that I left without telling her so I left a note for her on the side desk.

"I'm leaving to my parent's place. Won't be back anytime soon.

I soon left in my car.



I stepped out of the airport and looked for my car. I was back early as I couldn't stay without clarifying things with my wife. I know I acted very weird the last time we spoke. I shouldn't have done that. I regret it so much but I'm happy that she knows I somewhat am trying to understand. I came back to talk to Leher. I want to clarify everything. I'm ready to talk to her about it. The decision is hers. I want to give us a try.

I found my car and got in and the driver started the car. "Go a little fast, please." I said to the driver as he nodded. I'm excited to meet her after three days. It would be a lie if I said I didn't miss her in Bangalore. I missed her so much. I wanted to call her or at least text her but I didn't have the guts to do so. I also got very busy with work because I had to complete my 1 week work in 3 days.

I missed the way she used to argue with me, the way she would shout if I said something wrong like an asshole I am. The way she would comfort me even if I'm wrong here. The way she would help me even when I pushed her away. My wife.

Soon I reached some and was greeted by a few surprised faces. "Rahul bhaiya? You came back early." Jharna questioned me with shocked eyes. "Yeah, my work was done early." Clear lie. "Good that you came back early. Go freshen up. I'll serve dinner." Maa said while patting my back. Where's Leher? Is she in our room?

I slowly opened our room door and called out for her, " Leher?" But not response. I sighed and kept my phone on my side desk. I was about to leave when I saw a small note.

"I'm leaving to my parent's house. Won't be back anytime soon.

I stumbled back a little and sat on our bed. She left me? She left home? She left us?

I rushed downstairs and asked my mom "where's Leher?" My voice couldn't have gotten any deeper and colder. "She's in her parents' place, beta, she'll-" before Maa could complete her sentence, I stormed out of the house and got inside my car. "Please come back, Leher. I promise I'll change." I muttered to myself as I drove to her parents house. Please be there, Leher. I don't want you to give up on us please.


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