Exploring Parallels

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(3rd Person View)

A couple of days has passed since Echo and Crosshair 'bonded' and had a clearer understanding of each other. For the Marksman it was an enjoyable experience, regardless if he didn't show signs of it. For Echo, it felt more like torture than anything. However, for what it's worth, he felt that he was being better with his physique and improving his chemistry with Crosshair, which will have a positive effect next time they're in the field.

During those days, he couldn't help but noticed something when he was around the barracks with the other Batchers. Each of them had a unique way of interacting with each other. However, Echo noticed that Tech doesn't have nearly as much social interaction with the others. He would rather be on his datapad or fidgeting with some gear or blueprint.

The Technician would sometimes talk to Wrecker but the Demolitions Expert didn't understand a lot of what Tech's interest are and would get bored. With Crosshair, Tech would talk for long periods of time but the Marksman would just nod or just half-heartedly pay attention, not giving much input. Finally, with Hunter there was a closer bond there but the Team Leader always has something to do and finds little time for interaction with the squad.

And so, Echo wanted to somehow connect with Tech, but he just didn't know how to at the moment. The cyborg intents to be more proactive about that, he just had to wait for the right moment.

Echo entered the barracks after getting some caff and breakfast as a new day arises in Kamino. Crosshair and Wrecker were still at the Mess Hall while Hunter was reading a daily report, getting updated with the progress of the war. Tech, as per usual, he was repairing a control module of some sort.

Echo sat done on his bunk as he thought of what he should do today. There isn't a lot to do and he hasn't seen Nax or the rest of the original crew of Torrent Company.

Before he could think of something, Hunter broke the silence as he got Tech's attention, "Hey Tech, I need the Marauder to be fully stocked with supplies and run a diagnostics on it. We may get a mission soon and I want us to be prepared at a moment's notice."

Tech nodded in response, "I will do that inmediately."

Echo recognized this is the prime opportunity to interact with his teammate and he did not hesitate, "Mind if I tag along?"

 "My expertise should suffice for this task. Your help is not required", replied Tech while he grabbed his tools, datapad and helmet, not bothering with looking at Echo.

The Cyborg was caught off guard with this sort of reply. He looked at Hunter, his eyes hunting for a little bit of assistance in this. The leader understood the situation quickly.

" Echo will help you out, Tech. He needs to learn more about the Marauder in case of emergencies ", Hunter responded. Tech didn't argue back, a simple nod was all he gave for an answer.

Echo grabbed his helmet as he followed Tech out the door, except Hunter stopped him, grabbing his left shoulder to get his attention.

" I know what you doing. Thank you, Echo", said Hunter to the new member genuinely.

 Echo places his scomp on top of Hunter's hand and nodded with a small smile. The team leader let go of him so he could catch up with Tech. Hunter was a bit concerned with how things may develop with them two, who both has somewhat similar roles on the team. However, the way they operate and thought of things are vastly different. It's those differences that may complicate things, but he can hope everything will go well.

Echo caught up with Tech, as he was walking in direction to where the Marauder's docking bay is, while tapping on his datapad, surely checking on some things. They remained in somewhat of an awkward silence. Before long, they made it to the modified attack shuttle.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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