Chapter 99: You can have as many eggs as you want

Start from the beginning


She's been absent-minded for a while now. I wonder what's wrong. The meeting continues calmly, and in our class, we've decided to do a Cinderella play.

"Hey, Moegi, what's up?"

Fuyumi, who sits behind Moegi, asks. Both Fuyumi and Moegi seem to have noticed the change in the atmosphere.


"I've been wondering why you've been so absentminded."


"Was about the casting for the play?"

The roles for Cinderella include maids, common soldiers, the wicked stepsister, the prince, and more. It's based on who wants to do what role and then determined by a game of rock-paper-scissors.

The former class president asks for opinions from the class.

"Now, who wants to play Cinderella?"

Hmm, I don't particularly want a role, and Cinderella is the main character, which seems like a lot of work, so I'm thinking of passing.

But suddenly, someone raises their hand energetically from behind.


Aoi raised her hand. She sits in the farthest corner from me, the complete opposite end of the classroom. But I can hear the sound of her hand cutting through the air.

Her hand going up surprises everyone. Aoi had a reputation for being quiet, and no one expected her to want the lead role. I wasn't too surprised; she did mention that she liked Cinderella, so I assumed she'd want that role.

"Um, then Aoi-san for... Well then, let's go with the role of Cinderella. Next, for the role of the prince..."

Aoi is one of the few people who talks to me, Moegi, or Fuyumi, so the role of the prince may be daunting for her. I was considering volunteering to ease the pressure on her when someone else from behind raised their hand.

"Let's see, if Aoi is playing ...... then I'll play the prince this time ......"

Moegi, who had seemed absent-minded just moments ago, raised her hand. Moegi must have had the same thought as me. She's always been kind like that.

Afterward, the casting was settled, and I ended up with the role of the prince's maid.


[Moegi Pov]

We were called together by Kohaku-chan after school. The plan was to go eat cake together. The atmosphere around us was filled with an incredibly trendy vibe, to put it in current terms, radiating from the girls. When we entered the cake shop, we received quite a lot of attention. Was it because Kohaku-chan, Karen-chan, and Aoi-chan are all cute? Well, maybe it's because among us, there's only one guy, making this combination unusual.

As we sat down in the shop, I took a seat diagonally in front of him. The atmosphere was filled with couples, social butterflies, and the upper echelons of the school caste system. Many high school girls were taking photos on their phones.

We were a group of five, but Aoi-chan and Karen-chan seemed nervous, and their faces were stiff. On the other hand, Kohaku-chan seemed excited.

"Is something wrong, everyone? You all look so tense..."

She seemed to have noticed that the three of them had stiff expressions.

"I can't make eye contact with these people... the school caste, the social butterflies... It's so different from what I'm used to..."

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