Chapter 8: Haircut

Start from the beginning

"Yes" Ollie said

"And do you want to make the top shorter at all or leave it how it is?"

"A little bit shorter" Ollie said

"Can you show me with your hands how short you want it to be?" Cindy asked. Ollie put his hand right above his shoulders. The top of his hair would only be about an inch shorter than it already was. "Alright, so if he has his hair down, you won't really be able to see that it's short on the sides and that's fine. Or if you put it in a ponytail or a bun, you'll be able to see that it's short and it'll look really good"

"Ok" Rory said

"Alright, you ready?" Cindy asked

"Yeah" Ollie said.

Cindy tied off a small lock of Ollie's hair with a little elastic band. She cut that and handed it to Rory who already had years in her eyes.

"Oh, my god" Rory said.

"Mommy, why are you crying?" Ollie asked

"I'm ok, baby" Rory said and wiped her eyes. 

A took about half an hour for Cindy to finish cutting Ollie's hair. "Alrighty, I'm done. "

"Oh, my god, baby you look so grown up" Rory said. "What do you think? Do you like it?"

"Yeah" Ollie said with a huge smile on his face.

"So this is how it'll look when it's down" Cindy said and then started combing Ollie's hair into a little bun. "And you can still do this to get it out of his face and make it look neat"

"It looks great, thank you" Rory said

"My pleasure" Cindy said. "And, Ollie, because you sat so still I think I have a lollipop for you". She opened a drawer in her work station and pulled out a bowl of lollipops.

"Can I pick one for Mel?" Ollie asked

"Of course you can" Cindy said

"And for Oliver?"

"Go ahead"

From the hair salon, they went to Logan's apartment to pick up Amelia.

"Hey" Logan said when he opened the door. He was definitely surprised to see Ollie. He didn't think he'd get that much cut off. "Ollie, I like your hair"

"I got a haircut" Ollie said

Logan chuckled. "I can see that"

Just then Oliver walked out of the kitchen and saw Ollie. "Woah! Your hair looks cool! Can I feel it?"

Ollie nodded. "I have a lollipop for you and a lollipop for Mel"

"You ok?" Logan asked Rory quietly.

"He looks all grown up" Rory said.

Logan put his arm around Rory's shoulders, pulling her close to him, and kissed the top of her head. "The hair looks great"

"She gave me a little piece of it to keep" Rory said. "His little baby hair"

"He's never had a haircut?" Logan asked. He knew that Ollie hadn't had a haircut in a while, but he didn't know that he'd never actually had one.


That night Rory took Ollie and Amelia to Friday night dinner with her grandparents, and when they walked into the living room where Richard and Emily, Lorelai, and Luke were sitting, Lorelai's jaw dropped.

"What did you do?" Lorelai asked

"I got a haircut" Ollie said

"Yeah, I see that" Lorelai said. "Come here". Ollie walked over to Lorelai and she took his hair out of the bun that Cindy had put it in.

"It looks very nice" Emily said

"When did you do this?" Lorelai asked

"Today" Rory said

"Mommy cried" Ollie said

"You didn't have to tell everyone that" Rory said. "But yes I did"

"Is Amelia next?" Luke joked. He knew that Amelia had also never had a haircut and that Rory didn't plan on cutting it any time soon.

"Don't you dare" Lorelai said.

"Don't worry, I'm not doing that until she asks for it" Rory said. 

"You could French braid this" Lorelai said. She was still playing with Oliver's hair. "Braid it like you braid Amelia's and then when you get to the end of the back of his head put the rest in a bun"

"There is no universe in which he sits still long enough for me to do that" Rory said. She could barely get him to sit for long enough to put it in a bun, so she figured that braiding Ollie's hair was not happening.

The conversation shifted from hair, to school, and then to Rory.

"I actually do have some news" Rory said

"If you tell me you're pregnant, I'm gonna lose it" Lorelai said. She'd gotten about as much shock as she could handle for one day.

"I am not pregnant" Rory rolled her eyes. "We're moving"

"Oh, you found a place?" Lorelai asked

"We found a place" Rory said

"We?" Emily asked

"Logan and I bought an apartment" Rory said. "Or maybe it's technically a house. I don't really know. It's like a mix of both, but the point is that we closed the deal this morning, and we're hoping to be moved in by the end of the month"

"That's wonderful" Emily said

"Mommy and Logan are getting married" Ollie said

"No" Rory said before anyone could react to what Ollie said. "Stop telling people that"

"Why?" Amelia asked

"Because it's not true"

"For now" Lorelai said

"Not helpful, mom"


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