The Beginning

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"Breaking story- 19 year old Rebecca Adam's has been kidnapped..."

As I was regaining consciousness I heard my name. Did I hear that correctly? She said I was kidnapped?

"Where am I?" I mumble to myself. I stood up while observing my surroundings. A bed that looks to be older than me, a bucket, and a tray of food. The walls were once white. Now mold, peeling paint, and dark reddish stains have painted the most tragic narrative art that is now my reality. The concrete floor makes this small, dimely lit room look ominous.
"What happened?" fear engulfing my tone.

In the corner of my eye, I see stairs that lead to a door. I have to at least try to escape.
I run towards the door when suddenly I am pulled to the concrete floor. I let out a little yelp as I plummeted to the ground.

I look at my feet, trying to understand what happened. What I saw made every hair stand up on my body, and my stomach almost disgorged itself. Wrapped around my right ankle is a chain that connects to a welded bolt in the wall. Terror. Panic. Chills. Every single word that describes fear is overwhelming my senses all at once.

How? Who? When? I start screaming for help. Once I heard pounding on the door, I stopped. "If you do not stop yelling, I will come down there and beat the ever living s***out of you!" Yelled a man.
"Who are you? Why did you take me!" I yelled.
"There is 60% chance of rain over Warwick until 7pm tonight" he turned the news back on.

Warwick? But I'm from Burrillville. How did I get all the way over here? I don't know anyone from Warwick. I start screaming for help again. If I'm going to get any answers, then I need to talk to my kidnapper. So, if I have to take some punches, I will.

After screaming for what feels like an eternity, I finally hear the door open. I stop. Heavy footsteps permeates the silence.

None of this seems real. I'm sure every living victim has thought, at one point, that they didn't think it would happen to
them. But I seriously didn't think this would happen to me.

He's must be close to the bottom because I can hear his labored breathing.
If he is a bigger built man, I won't be able to overpower him.
"God, are you there?" I say in a whisper.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2023 ⏰

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