your power, your life

Start from the beginning

With a subtle gesture, the cube before them began to emit a soft, pulsating glow. It seemed to resonate with a hidden energy, waiting to be tapped into.

Dabi - "So, how does this work exactly?"

Sebas - "Simply place your hands on the cube and focus on your deepest desire, your most fervent wish. If deemed worthy, you shall receive power beyond your wildest dreams. But remember, the cube is no mere trinket. It has a way of discerning true intent."

Toga was practically bouncing with excitement, her eyes gleaming with anticipation.

Toga - "Oh, this is gonna be fun! I can't wait!"

Spinner, although still wary, couldn't deny the potential that lay before them.

Spinner - "Alright, let's get this over with. We're ready."

With determined looks, each member of the League of Villains stepped forward and placed their hands on the cube. They closed their eyes, focusing on their deepest desires, on the power they

As they did, the cube began to emit a brilliant, blinding light. It enveloped them, and for a moment, they felt as though they were suspended in the cosmos itself. Their minds raced, and they could feel a surge of energy coursing through them.

In an instant, it was over. The light receded, and they opened their eyes to find themselves back in their hideout. They could feel it—the power, the potential that now resided within them.

Twice - "Whoa... Did it work?"

Sebas - "Congratulations, League of Villains. You are now vessels of immense power. Wield it wisely, for it comes with great responsibility."

Shigaraki flexed his fingers, feeling the newfound strength coursing through him.

Shigaraki- "This... This is incredible."

Dabi could feel flames flickering beneath his skin, controlled and powerful.

Dabi - "I can feel it. The fire's stronger than ever."

Toga giggled gleefully, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

Toga - "Oh, this is gonna be so much fun, hehe!"

Spinner felt a surge of vitality, a newfound connection to the world around him.

Spinner - "I feel... alive, like never before."

Twice looked at his replicated selves, a newfound confidence in his eyes.

Twice - "This is gonna change everything. We're gonna be unstoppable."

Sebas - "Remember, this power is not to be taken lightly. Wield it with purpose, now for the deal. You will submit yourselves to my lord and will be his puppets and yield to him.

With their newfound powers coursing through their veins, the League of Villains felt an undeniable transformation. Their eyes held determination and a hint of trepidation as Sebas presented the conditions of their deal.

Shigaraki - "What do you mean, 'submit ourselves to your lord'?"

Dabi - "Yeah, we didn't sign up for that."

Sebas - "Ah, but you did, my dear villains. You accepted my offer, and as a consequence, you are now bound by the terms. This power is not simply a gift; it comes with obligations."

Toga, who had been enthusiastic moments ago, looked uncertain.

Toga - "Wait, you didn't mention this before."

Spinner - "This doesn't sit well with me. We have our own goals, and we don't like taking orders."

Twice - "I knew this was too good to be true. What's your lord planning to do with us?"

Sebas - "My lord has his own reasons, and they are not for you to question. But fear not; your goals and ambitions can still be achieved with his guidance."

Shigaraki - "And if we refuse this 'submission'?"

Sebas - "You can certainly refuse, but you will find that the power you've gained will become a burden, and you'll never be able to harness it to its full potential. It will consume you."

Dabi - "So, we're trapped either way?"

Sebas - "In a sense, yes. But consider this: my

lord's vision aligns with your desire to take down heroes. With his guidance, you'll become unstoppable."

The League of Villains exchanged uneasy glances, realizing that they were entangled in a situation that had escalated far beyond their initial expectations.

Spinner - "What choice do we have? If we don't yield, this power's useless."

Toga - "I still want to have fun. Maybe we can do it his way!"

Twice - "I guess we're in. But don't think we'll be your puppets forever."

Shigaraki - "Fine, we'll accept your lord's guidance for now. But don't expect us to follow blindly."

Sebas - "Very well, you've made the wisest choice. Embrace your destiny, for it is now intertwined with something greater than you can imagine."

Shigaraki- "so what's the plan?"

Sebas- "there will a be war going on, my comrades and my lord against the rest off your world. So, for now we just want to get rid of 2 individuals".

Dabi- "and who are these 2 people?"

Sebas- "well the first one is a vessel who manged to steal my lord's power and make it his own and the other one is a mortal who has a power of a GOD by breaking his limiter, here is a recap of the second person in a specific detail. Every single being has a limiter placed on them by my lord 'GOD', so when they become strong, they wouldn't break their limit or else they would lose purpose. So for now prepare for the upcoming war.

With that being said he faded away from the LoV sight, leaving them in the emptiness of their hideout.

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