"If I even still have a job" he muttered.

That night Danny had sat on his mattress tinkering with the wheel chair.

He installed motors, making it sort of like an e-bike but better.

He rode the wheelchair to work. When he got there he stood up. He had practiced all night, he could stand without support for a couple minutes and walk without support a few steps.

If he was strategic about it, he could pretend like he wasn't compromised for work.

Alfred answered the door and let Danny in.

"The young masters were quite worried about you" Alfred commented.

Danny was about to ask what he meant when someone came bounding down the stairs.

It was Dick.

"Danny!" Dick exclaimed. Danny did his best to not show his imbalance when he walked over to Dick.

"Hello young Master Dick" Danny said perfectly according to Alfred's training.

Dick looked concerned and Danny worked harder to conceal his temporary disability.

"I apologize for the scare, it's was an emergency. Excuse me I must complete my chores" Danny said.

He made it to the kitchen before collapsing on the floor with a thud. His legs weren't ready for walking just yet and Danny knew he was pushing it.

Still, he had a job to do. He needed that money so he could stop being everyone's burden.

Danny grabbed the counter for support and lifted himself up using his upper body strength.

Then a thought occured to him. Why not use his powers? Danny tried to float a little.

"Come on, please work" he begged his powers. Nothing happened.

"Great, looks like I'll have to rely on my physical strength. Just great" he huffed.

He got to making breakfast, the entire time he was leaning on the counter for support. He still had the scar from the gunshot wound on his shoulder and if he moved in a certain way he could still feel some pain.

Alfred came into the kitchen and watched as Danny attempted to pick up the plates. One of the plates started to slip.

Alfred was next to Danny in the blink of an eye.

"Are you ok Mr. Fenton"

Danny nodded.

" Sorry Alfred, my legs are little wobbly today. Don't worry I'll still do my part" he said picking up plates.

Danny could feel sweat roll down his face as he strained himself to stay upright. Everyone had given him strange looks, making him even more conscious of his condition.

He managed to get himself out of the dining room before collapsing for a second time.

Damien had been running a little late to breakfast. His knifes needed sharpening and he felt the urge to do it before breakfast.

As soon as he could he rushed form his room to the hall and then the stairs. He was a good ten feet from the dining room when he noticed Alfred's apprentice stumbled from the room.

He was supposed to be in a wheelchair, had he pushed himself because he didn't want to be fired?

In any case he was now lying helpless on the floor, still conscious just not able to stand up on his own.

Damien turned around and came back with a crutch.

Danny's eyes wide when Damien handed him a crutch.

"Hiding it won't work, you'll only distract everyone" Damien scolded.

Danny smiled and took the crutch.

Damien started to walk away when Danny called out to him, "thanks Dami"

Damien grew red, embarrassed at the attention.

Danny was able to perform his usual tasks, albeit slower than normal.

At the end of the day as Danny was about to leave Bruce stopped him.

"Are you alright Danny? You seem to always be getting hurt"

Danny's face held a flash of guilt that disappeared so quickly it seems like it would have been more likely imagined the reality.

Danny smiled with glimmering eyes at Bruce.

"Does it seem that way? I just got s little sick and if affected me in unforseen ways but I'm recovering and should be all fixed soon" Danny replied cheerfully.

Lies. Truth was Danny was sure for his much longer he would be stuck the way he was. Stupid ecto acne.

Bruce was disappointed by the answer presented to him. There were crumbs of truth scattered in the coiled mess of bread crumbs being gifted to him.

Still, everything seemed almost too random and strange, which made it unpredictable and hard for a detective like Bruce to track.

So Bruce would need to have it up, he would have to question Danny as a superhero.

As Batman.

Alfred's Apprentice Where stories live. Discover now