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November, 1770

Less than a month after Gunhild’s arrival and coming to the decision for all the Elvesta leave Morgan’s Peak for good, another meeting between those beings and their households was called at the Central Tower. There was one more person in attendance this Time around, though, ’cuz Geneva’d delivered her fourth child–her second daughter–just Days previousta the meeting in question. Considering she was attending and the newborn couldn’t be left alone since she was nursing and otherwise needed care, she’d been brought along, even though she’d pay no more attention than Niamh would.

        After everyone’d arrived and settled, their magick serving to keep themselves and the humans warm, Róisín was the one to take up a Central position so she could be seen by all. She patiently waited till all eyes were on her, which meant she’d the full attention of everyone old enough to even remotely have an opinion. Only then did she take a breath and launch into what she Intended to tell everyone, including her equally-stubborn grandmother–who sat next to Tiernan with a relatively blank expression.

        “I think we all ken that when Màthair and I’ve Visions, those Visions come to pass in some capacity,” she said by way of opening the discussion.

        “Aye, we ken that fine, piuthar,” Jenny agreed on everyone’s behalf as she nodded.

        “Weel, I’ve had such a Vision, in regardsta where we’ll settle next,” the Healer told them. “And there’s a couple different options, depending on what we can all come to an agreement on.”

        “What’re those options?” Jenny’s husband–commonly referred to as Big Ian these Days–queried curiously.

        “One’s back in the Highlands, more or less between Fort William and Inverness,” Róisín answered. “The other’s technically no part of any country–yet.”

        “And what, pray tell, is that supposed to mean?” Geneva asked.

        “Wi’ the coming War, the British Colonies’ll become their own country–that of America,” she answered. “Our second option fer settlement’s in a place that’ll eventually be a part of this new country–’tis just no such, as of yet.”

        Everybody watched as she held up a hand, a fairly large ball of Light appearing to float over her palm much like when she Conjured up a spell Fire ball.

        “This is our second option,” the Healer said, using her magick to allow them to see the same thing she’d Seen in her Vision. “’Tis much like the Highlands in being Mountainous and heavily-forested, no to mention dotted with Lochs of all shapes and sizes.”

        Jamie’s eyes widened in pleasant surprise as he took in all the similarities she’d mentioned and many more, memories of long ago almost overcoming him. They were so strong and numerous that if he hadn’t kent any better, he’d swear he was standing on the Shore of Loch Ness, staring back toward Lallybroch. And looking around, he could easily see that his sister and her family–particularly the man who’d been his childhood best friend and was his brother-in-law–felt the same way.

        Turning his attention to more practical concerns, he was pleased to see the aforementioned Loch was far more enormous than he’d previously thought as Róisín adjusted the view she gave them. It also appeared to be fed by a Creek or River, and between those two sources, there’d be plenty of opportunitiesta gather sustenance through fishing. When combined with all the hunting opportunities provided by the surrounding Wilderness, he well kent they’d never starve, even though Elves’d quite the appetite when compared to humans. On top of that, there was plenty of Space for everybody to build their own cabins without being all over one another, much like they’d done when they’d originally settled on what’d become Morgan’s Peak.

Escaping the War (Sequel to Pardoned on the Peak)Where stories live. Discover now