full of love and urgency (i am just a raging sea)

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are we finally back to lyric titles? the song for this chapter is 9 billion by abandoned pools. i started listening to them recently and this song just happened to fit the chapter. it's the same guy who did the clone high opening and the rest of his music is awesome

anyways, sorry for not updating last month. i've been insanely depressed and also hyperfixating on a furry visual novel of all things but i've been thinking and thinking about how i wanna continue this fic and i finally came to an agreement with myself on how i wanna go about it.

for a while i had a lot of doubts about my writing and whether or not it was any good, but after taking a break i've started feeling better and i'm gonna try not to judge myself so hard. my writing isn't fucking amazing or anything but i have fun with it and people seem to enjoy it which is what matters the most. i still wish i wasn't too autistic to write dialogue properly though


iam made a beeline for the couch, collapsing as soon as you opened the door. "Finally…" He sighed.

"It wasn't that bad." You chirped with amusement as you locked the door behind you.

"Only because you're used to doing all of that!" Liam sat up. One hand was on his cane, keeping it steady against the wall so it wouldn't fall over. "I'm just glad to finally be off my feet."

"Don't be like that, man. It'll get easier the more you do it." You sat down next to him, putting your paws up on the coffee table.

"Says you." Liam replied stubbornly.

"I'll ask Pit to give you some overtime."

"Don't." He groaned, kneading his face with his fingers.

You rolled your eyes. "Remind me how long it's been since you've done any work?"

"Uh…" Liam paused. You could feel him stiffen through the couch and the room seemed to grow a bit colder. "A year or two, maybe. I just needed some time off."

"So what, you think you're on vacation or something?" You continued, not really bothering to dull the point in your words.

Liam nodded hesitantly. "I…guess so. Eventually I just decided to leave the state."

"...You mean you hitchhiked out of the state." You corrected him. "Do you know how dangerous that is? Where were you even actually trying to go?"

Liam's face flushed and he busied himself with his cane to hide it. "You don't really need to know the details. I was careful about it. Things turned out fine."

You're kidding.

"You didn't even have a plan, did you?"

Liam didn't respond.

"You didn't." You were unable to keep the exasperation out of your voice.

"Y/N, I was fine."

You got mugged, Liam, I'd hardly call that fine!"

"I w–" Liam stopped, taking a deep breath. It was clear his teeth were clenched when he spoke again. "It's not really any of your business." His tone was clipped, careful, and you couldn't help but flinch.

Unfortunately for him, you were feeling awfully persistent today.

"Okay, okay, jeez." Putting your hands up, you moved back to the other end of the couch. "Forgive me for wanting to get to know you." You couldn't keep the scathing note out of your voice. "You'll have to tell me at some point."

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