faint resemblance

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sorry for not posting this sooner, i was busy writing a future chapter so i could stay ahead and i had a bit of writer's block during that. i also started a new job and it's been an adjustment (pro tip: do not work in a kitchen if you're autistic. trust me)

anyways, here's chapter two! i'll try to update again soon, i'm gonna aim for at least once or twice a month if writer's block doesn't get me.

chapter name is from "faint resemblance" by rise against. first chapter was from "skin graph" by silversun pickups, but i think i forgot to write that in the last author note...

ps. i hate updating on wattpad because it ruins the formatting

You woke up the next morning to the smell of something burning. Blearily, you blinked yourself awake as you tried to recall the events of last night. Eyes widening as everything came flooding back to you, you leapt out of bed and ran into the kitchen frantically. You yelped as you slipped on the hardwood floor and knocked into the wall.

You entered the kitchen bristling and alert, but your frayed nerves quickly relaxed as you realized what the source of the smell was; Liam was cooking. Or trying to cook, rather. The backpack's expression was contorted into one of intense concentration as he tried and failed to fry eggs on the stove. The poor eggs were brown and shriveled, smoke curling up from the pan.

"Uh…hi." You said in a small and reluctant voice, startling Liam and causing him to slip and drop the pan. The crispy remains of the eggs splattered on the floor and the pan clattered loudly next to them. You both winced and covered your ears.

"Sorry– I was just trying to–" Liam picked himself up, rubbing at his side. "I was just trying to pay you back for last night." He seemed flustered, gaze darting from you to the shriveled up "eggs" that were now all over your floor.

You sighed with relief, ignoring your own ringing ears. "You didn't have to do that. I'm just glad you weren't like, trying to burn the place down or something."

"I wouldn't do that." Liam looked at you with alarm. "I just…haven't cooked for myself in a long time." He admitted sheepishly.

"Really? How long?" You gave him a quizzical squint.

Liam refused to meet your gaze at this. You gave him an understanding nod. "It's fine. I can just buy us breakfast. No biggie."

"You don't need to do that."

"Of course I do. C'mon."

Ignoring his reluctance, you pulled Liam along with you, down to the lobby, calling a hasty greeting to the receptionist before heading out the door. You didn't stop at the street, instead turning and continuing down the sunbleached sidewalk.

"Why are we walking?" Liam asked, huffing as he limped to catch up with you.

"I don't have a license."  You replied without looking back.

"That makes both of us." He sighed.

"Really?" You doubled back in surprise. "You don't have one either?"

"I…never had the chance to learn." Liam said, with some hesitance. He was staring down at the ground. You nodded and didn't ask anymore questions.

Eventually, the two of you arrived at your destination, a small breakfast nook a few blocks away from your apartment. The two of you sat down at a booth and it was over breakfast that the two of you decided to talk more.

"So…" Liam stared down at the table, seeming uninterested in eating the sandwich he had ordered. His paws absently picked at a napkin, shredding it. "Can you tell me where I am?"

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