Dopamine + Norepinephrine + serotonin = attraction

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"The Natural Sciences Retreat 2016! Let the talent show begin!"

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"The Natural Sciences Retreat 2016! Let the talent show begin!"

Sun-mi supposed that the talent show was interesting enough. She clapped after every performance to be polite, hid her yawns with her hand whenever she felt the event was starting to get dragged out to no end, and managed to not bring down the others mood since they were actively enjoying the talent show.

When Jeongbun went on stage and sang she clapped a bit louder since she did actually like the kind girl and was pleasantly surprised to hear how well she could sing. She glanced over at Mirae who was standing to her right and saw she was blushing while looking at Jeongbun with admiration in her eyes.

"Hi, chemistry majors! How have you been? Long time no see."

"Do you need to make such a scene? We don't want to take attention away from those on stage."

"Uyeong yeon? Sung-ho Ha? What are the two of you doing here?" A blonde sophomore girl asked, looking at the two in confusion.

Uyeong yeon. An older ex chemistry major who switched over to the biology major. More than attractive he had extremely high standards for a lot of things in his life.

Sung-ho Ha. A junior who was duel majoring in chemistry and education as his dream was to one day teach chemistry to the next generation. Laidback, chill, a casual drinker and dressed as if he was part of the fashion department. He and Uyeong were unlikely fast friends and he often got dragged around by Uyeong despite his insistence that he enjoyed studying or chilling at home alone.

"You changed to a different major, traitor! And you completed everything for chemistry and never bother visiting us, asshole!" The blonde, San-ha, exclaimed at the two.

"Am I a stranger, already?" Uyeong asked her, a teasing smile on his face. "That hurts."

"Sorry, San-ha. But you know how he gets." Sung-ho said to her, shoving his hands into his leather jacket pockets.

"What brings you the both of you here?" Jong-su, a fellow classmate of San-ha, asked the two.

"What else could it be?" Sung-ho asked, looking at his best friend with a faux glare. "This guy wanted to come by and check out these goddess freshmen everyone keeps talking about. Even the education department talks about them nonstop."

"Don't act like you're not the slightest bit interested too. You didn't put up much of a fight when I told you about coming here to check them out." Uyeong teased him, lightly nudging him.

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