The tales of sorrow and revange Part 1

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A Elfquest fanfaction story by @Moonshade-fantasy

(Elfquest was originally created by the American couple Wendy and Richard Pini. I'm a big fan of Elfquest and I've been wanting to make my own version of this amazing comic for a long time. I have spent a long time planning this book, and here is the beginning.)


Once upon a time, in the depths of the dark Universe, there was a planet. A small planet surrounded by two moons.

One day, this planet was visited by beings who hadn't intended to stay. But due to an accident, found themselves stranded in this place - perhaps forever.

These beings who called themselves 'The high ones' tried to make the best of their desperate situation. The high ones, who were actually spirits from another world, learned from a safe distance about the new world's culture and way of life.

They took these lessons to heart. And later, when it suited them, they transformed themselves to resemble creatures from this peoples myths and legends.

In this way, these castaways managed to establish their own realm in a foreign land. A realm that came to be known as the Forest Realm. The high ones - who in the future were called elves, formed alliance with their neighbours, both animals and humans and, in return they gave the new world something new. Magic.

Many are the tales that were told about the elves and their queen, Timmain. Their allies and their enemies.

You, dear reader, are now invited to the amazing world of What if.

You, dear reader, are now invited to the amazing world of What if

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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