Extra 2- What's wrong

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All my life, I have always been confident in myself and my abilities. My parents always made sure to raise me as a human and not as an omega. They never wanted to limit me to anything.

I have built an empire with my own effort. I am married to a wonderful guy, and we have 2 amazing kids, yet I always feel like something is lacking.

I do struggle with comparing myself to Yibo. Yes, he was born with a silver silver spoon hanging out of his mouth, but because of his relationship with his father, he never relied on his money. He has accomplished all that he had, just like I did.

So, from time to time, I find myself feeling jealous of him. It doesn't make sense, but I really hope that one day I can also look at my own achievements and be proud. I just want to feel like a worthy spouse.

My insecurities also sterm from his father's opinion of me. I have not seen him many times, but the times that I have seen him, he has made it clear that his son could have done way much better. He feels like if I hadn't marked Yibo first, there is no way his son would have settled on someone like me.

He also hates all my health issues and feels that I cheated Yibo of the chance of having a big family. Everyone says Yibo has always wanted a big family, a minimum of 4 kids, and unfortunately, being with me limited him to only 2. It's physically impossible for me to bear anymore kids, but what if Yibo is just settling and is not really happy.

His brothers were joking the other day about how his ideal type is so different from me that they still have a hard time understanding how I snatched their brother so easily.

All these things are making me doubt my position next to him.

"Love, are you really sure you are happy with me, I mean, listening to everyone, it sounds like I would have never been a natural option for you as a life partner."

"What is all this all of a sudden. I thought we had been through all that before we even got married. Where is this coming from all of a sudden?"

"I just worry sometimes. Everyone just around you that I have met has seemed to be shocked that I am your partner. It seems your idea falls very far from what you have now."

"I chose you, not them. I married you, not them. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, not them. I love you deeply, and I wake up feeling lucky every day that you chose me too. Don't listen to people who think they know me better than I know myself. Yes, when I was younger, my traumatic experiences shaped a lot of my preferences. Once I was over that my real desire started to grow, and those people were not around to see me mature into who I am today. I love you and want to be with you, not whoever they imagine for me."

"I know all that, and I believe it, but sometimes I wonder if you are truly ok. Also, I can only give you the two kids we have, so knowing that you wanted a big family also makes me a bit worried."

"I was happy with just A-yuan. It was a blessing I couldn't even imagine possible. When Qiao came along my heart was full. You went through a lot to have those two . Even if you were able to have more, I would never ask you to do that. It would be selfish of me. I am extremely happy with what we have, and I am not just saying that to make you feel better. I mean it with every ounce of me. So please stop worrying about useless things, and just tell me you love me and you are happy to be with me forever!"

"Sorry, love, I love you very much. Anyway, let's go to sleep. You have an early flight tomorrow."

He kissed my forehead, and before things got too steamy, I turned around and pretended to have fallen asleep.

He left too early in the morning, so I didn't get a chance to say goodbye. I felt a slight throb of sadness in my heart because this was the first time Yibo left without saying anything to me.

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