Extra 1-Trying something new

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Yibo and I have been together for almost 5 years now, and between us, things have gotten a bit predictable in that I leave him to plan everything special or new. He knows how to surprise me and keep me guessing. His mind never runs out of ideas.

I don't blame him because most of our years together, I have been pregnant, and as much as my pregnancy with Qiao was easy, delivery almost killed me. I went into labor prematurely and had to be rushed into delivery. The worst part was that Yibo was away at the time, so he missed her birth and has felt guilty ever since.

It's not his fault, I also blame myself because no matter how many times I was told to take it slow, I never did. I was feeling so good during pregnancy that I forgot how unstable my womb was. So because of my busyness, I went into early labor, and my womb entirely detached. That has to have been the scariest day of my life.

So because the healing was so slow and painful, we decided to just take my womb out for the sake of my health.

This year on Yibo's birthday, I want to try something new. He has shown me so much love and care that I feel it's my turn to return the favor.

The kids want me to buy him his dream bike and throw a birthday party with lots of candy and cakes. Qiao wants lots and a lot of balloons, too. I know he will love the bike, so I will get him that, but the candy, cake, and balloons sound more like what those 2 want. Yibo doesn't even like sweet things.


I want to surprise him in the bedroom as well, but a person like me who is always on the receiving end doesn't even know where to start. The other night, I asked him what would be his biggest fantasy was with me. He gave me a very corny answer.

" I am living my biggest fantasy. Nothing can ever beat having you and the kids next to me."

"Come on, love, I am being serious. I mean intimately?"

"Oh, that's easy, you naked under me. So you see, I am still living my biggest fantasy almost every night."

Ag, not helpful at all. So now I have to figure out something all by myself.

I could buy sexy lingerie or role-play costumes or maybe blind folds and handcuffs. I don't even know where I would start searching for any of these things.

I should probably ask Jili. That shy chef of mine who turned out to be the wildest human in bed. My brother got on a fast and wild ride. Anyway, let me call Jili he might be able to help me out.

"Hey, Jili, so I wanted to do something special for Yibo's birthday. And I was thinking of trying something new in the bedroom. You know me, I like to keep things simple, but I know my husband would appreciate something extra. Do you have any suggestions for me?"

"I must say, I would never in a million years thought you would ever call me and ask about something like this. I guess you have been talking to Chen. I don't mind giving you suggestions, but I think you should start small. You know your husband best. Here is a website that could help you figure things out, but remember, start small just in case your husband gets addicted to seeing you looking saucy. It's www.fantasy..... got it?"

"Yes, thank you. Is it an online shop, or would I have to go there?"

"It's online, and they have next day delivery."

"Perfect, I will check it out. And don't worry, I will start slowly."

After I was done on the phone with Jili, I started searching on the website. They have everything. I decided to pick a simple red lingerie. It's more like strings of red ribbon sewn together and an inch of lace to complement the strings. Yibo likes the color red, so I do hope he likes this. I am already super embarrassed, and I have not even worn it yet.

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