𝘽𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨

203 11 4

- wasn't ever sure if I loved you 


Out of irritation, I'd scurried out of the cafeteria away from my friends — well, Hyunjin's friends who I'm sort of friends with.

I wasn't looking where I was going and collided with another person, dropping my bag on the floor as well as theirs.

I immediately recognized the bag and knew who it belonged to — Yuna.

"Sorry, I didn't see you," I say as I stand up and pick up our bags, handing hers back to her.

She takes her bag quickly and starts to walk away. "Wait, Yuna. Please," I grab her wrist.

She sighs, stands still for two seconds before deciding to turn around and face me.

"Yuna, I really am so sorry that I never told you about Sunghoon. I know I should have, but it wouldn't have been easy to tell you knowing that the reason was because of me. I also just didn't want to see you get hurt because I really care about you. You're my best friend."

She frowns, staying silent.

"Again, I'm sorry, I hope you can forgive me for this," I say softly.

She looks at the floor, fiddling with her hands, and I wait for a response.

She doesn't move her eyes from the floor, but moves toward me and gives me a tight hug. "It's okay, I've already forgiven you. I was just hurt, and I understand why you didn't want to tell me. I still wish you would have sooner, though."

We stay like this for a few seconds, before she pulls away, adjusting her bag that was hung over one shoulder.

"But it's in the past. I'm just happy we're talking again," She says, smiling at me.

"Shall we walk to class?" I ask. She nods and we begin to walk in the direction of our next period.

"How is it going with Hyunjin by the way? I know about him and Sunghoon and the fight," Yuna says.

"It's fine, I guess."

She raises an eyebrow, "What's up?"

I shake my head and chuckle, "It really is fine, actually. I'm just a tiny bit annoyed with him at the moment. That's why I bumped into you in the first place. I was so focused on our conversation I forgot to look where I was walking."

- but I was always sure you would have loved me back 

"Why are you annoyed with him? Is it still because of the fight?" She questions.

I smile, "No, we spoke about it and he also apologized to me for how he treated me in the past. I'm actually annoyed because...I think he wants to study overseas. He doesn't want to tell me anything about it though."

She nods, "I see. Well maybe he just doesn't want to hurt you with his decision."

I stay silent and let her give her point.

"You know how these things go. Your boyfriend is going overseas so your only option is to break up because you know long distance will never work. He's stalling it, because he doesn't want you to be hurt just yet."

My lips quiver after taking in what she had to say. It made me scared of what might happen to us. To me and Hyunjin. I love him, I don't want to lose him.

One tear slips out but I quickly wipe it away.
Yuna notices, and stops walking to give me a hug. "It will all be okay, no matter what happens. I promise!" She pats my back softly before releasing me from the hug.

"I'll try to believe you."

We made our way to the next period, catching up on the little things we've missed since we last spoke. I was relieved to have gotten her back. Yuna is one of my favorite people. When I was being bullied by Hyunjin, she found me and became friends with me, trying her best to protect me from him.

"Oh...hey guys."

Yuna and I stop talking to each other and stop walking, both looking forward at the same time to see who the voice in front of us was. As if we didn't already know.

Yuna rolls her eyes, and quickly makes her way into our classroom.

- you had me right, right, right at my weakest

Now I'm left alone with Sunghoon.

He's about to say something to me but before he can I say, "Let's rather not...talk right now."


I bite my lip and leave him, also heading into class.

I didn't want to ask her about it here, incase it made her emotional and then everyone would he staring at her. So I ask, "Do you want to come over after school?"

Yuna nods without hesitation, and her annoyed face disappears. "Perfect opportunity to talk about our boy problems," I joke.

    I sit doodling with my pencil in the classroom while the teacher explains all the work. It feels like he's been talking for hours. I get a sudden tap on my arm from Yuna.

I look up at her, and she lifts her head slightly, pointing to the window next to the corridor.

I notice that a few other people are looking in that direction, confused expressions on their faces.

I turn my head and nearly begin to laugh at the sigh. But I can't laugh here. The teacher would throw me out the class, so I stare, at Hyunjin, who is waving his hands around vigorously, I suppose trying to get my attention.

"What are you doing?" I mouth to him.

He gestures to me to go over to him. But I can't, I'm in the middle of class, and it seems that the teacher had just taken notice of what's going on.

He folds his arms and walks to the door. He opens it and yells, "Hyunjin! As far as I know you aren't in grade 11 anymore, so what are you doing here?"

"Sir, please let me talk to Y/n. It will be quick!" Hyunjin responds.

"No. Get to class."
The teacher walks back in and is about to close the door, when Hyunjin shouts, "Y/n, I'm sorry! I'll tell you everything, I promise!"

My mouth had fallen open somewhere in this moment, and I sat there so puzzled because of everything that just took place. Right now though, I couldn't help but giggle. He really came all the way to my class to apologize, I appreciate that.

"Right. Back to the lesson."

- now you're hurting, I can see you're mad

song by aespa

i won't be too surprised if i'm still writing this by 2025😖

I love you... | Hyunjin x readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang