Xavier POV

13 1 0

A/n: here is the next chapter!!!

Words: 1232

When I left Callie's house I started walking towards the skate park, the one I tend to sleep at. I guess I don't have the best home life and the only person who knows is TJ, but I have a feeling Jayden suspects that I haven't been sleeping at home. I know that look he gave me as I left Callie's house, it was a look of pity. The point of not telling anybody was that no one would feel sorry or pity me.

I saw a couple of people I recognized at the park, as I was walking up to them they started to whisper, here we go again.

"Hey guys how have you been?" I said as if I hadn't heard the whispers.

"Hi, we've been good. What about you?" One said a little too awkwardly.

"I'm good, what are you guys up to?" I calmly stated.

"Nothing really, just hanging out, you?" the one boy said, but I could tell he was lying.

"Well I am just passing by, so I will catch you guys later," I said with a smile as I started walking away. I have no idea where I should or could go. I know if I need I could go to Jayden's, but I really don't want to bother him, or anyone to worry about me. It would be better for everyone if I just went for a never ending walk away from here. Even if I did that I know Jayden would be so worried about me, and I could never do that to him.

As the night went on it started raining and there is nothing I could hide under right now. So I did the only thing I could think of. I pulled out my phone, carefully so it didn't get wet, and I went to call Jayden. As my finger was hovering over his contact I thought better than to disturb him. He is probably sleeping anyway. It's about 11:30 pm, and the only person that knows and  would still be awake right now would be TJ. I know they would pick up if I called, they always do no matter the situation. So that's just what I did, I found their contact and pressed it. As it was ringing I started to feel that I should not have done it and that I am only disturbing them, then the call connects.

"Hello?" They said softly.

"Hi, sorry, I just have nowhere to go right now and it's raining and, can I come over and stay the night if you don't mind? Please?" I said sort of rambling on until they answered.

"Of course, do you want me to pick you up or are you close?" They said gently.

"I can walk, it's not that far," I said, but they knew I wasn't actually close.

"Are you sure you want to walk, I am guessing you are close if not at that little skate park you are always at," they said in a concerned tone.

I sighed a little and looked around and realized that I had ended up back at the park "ya, I am right next to it," I said defeated.

"Okay, I will be there in at most 7 minutes, do you want to stay on the phone?" They said as they were trying to leave their house.

"That would be great," I said smiling, "and thank you for letting me stay over, and picking me up," I sort of cried, if anyone saw me they would probably think that it was just rain drops so I didn't feel the need to wipe them away.

When they got to the park I crawled into their silver little sports car. Everyone knew they had worked really hard to get the money for the little car, and everyone pitched in to help with the last hundred dollars they had needed.


"Would you like to talk about it?" They said as if they were testing the waters.

"No, not really," I said quietly.

"Okay," they said just as quietly, they were always very understanding when it came to emotions.


A minute or two later they started to talk again, "I think you should tell someone other than me," they started. "Even if you don't want to, you should, everyone in our friend group knows there's something you aren't telling them," they insisted.

"I know but I don't want to bother them with my uninteresting problems they shouldn't have worry about," I half mumbled while looking through the window, I didn't want to look at them, I knew they were giving me that pitiful look they do when they try to get me to talk to other people.

"You should at least tell Jayden, he worries you know," they said as they glanced at me.

"I don't want to tell anyone, especially not Jayden, can't you just drop it!" I shouted, I didn't mean to shout but I did.

"I understand," they said, staring at the road. I know I shouldn't have yelled. I know I messed up.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell," I said almost about to cry, I feel like a baby.

"It's okay, I get it," they sympathized. As they said it I almost lost it. They were always so nice, even when they shouldn't be. 


When we got to their house they led me to their room. It was a nice room, nicer than mine anyway. It had nice light green walls that had posters of dinosaurs, and trees, and some weird flowers. They had a bit of an accent wall that was just shelves with little paintings and sculptures they either made themself or was given as a gift. They had a nice queen sized bed and LEDs above it. Hanging on the window were some fake green vines, and under it was a big grey been bag chair.

I sat on the been bag chair and they sat on their bed looking at me. 

"I think we should talk about it, I know you don't want to but I really think it will help" they said in the most caring voice they had. 

"I don't even know where to start," I say as I look at the wall with everything, ever time I come here it seems as though they get more stuff to put on the wall. 

"Well, where are you comfortable starting?" they say calmly.

"I don't know, maybe if you start asking me questions?" I say kind of shyly

"Okay, that is a great start, so how are you feeling?" They ask.

"Well my parents aren't getting happier, and they started to notice my grades are slipping, and all they ever do it yell, wether it is at me or each other," I say as I feel hot tears well up in my eyes.

"Well you know you always have a place to stay here, and if you need help with anything academically you can ask me or Jayden," they say trying to comfort me a bit.

"I know, it's just so hard sometimes," I say quietly.

"Maybe we should come back to this in the morning, and get some well needed sleep," they say as they get up to get me a blanket. 

"Thank you for everything,"I sleepily say. 

"You're welcome, have a good sleep," they quietly say as they crawl into their bed. 

A/n: sorry if this is bad, I wrote this at like 2 am

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