chapter 7.

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jisung and felix just started walking in the lunch room with minho and hyunjin walking behind them, and surprisingly nobody made a comment on jisungs machine again or on the way felix was all dressed with girly clothes and this made the twins kinda happy, truthfully nobody said anything since they were all kinda sorta scared of minho and hyunjin but of course nobody was gonna tell the twins that, once they sat down hyunjin and felix started talking and laughing and flirting immediately while minho just watched jisung as he ate, of course not in a weird way but more of a "your so pretty i love you so much please marry me" type of way.

jisung: a-are you just gonna stare at me?

minho: what? n-no! sorry.

jisung giggled and pushed the tray of food away before grabbing minhos hand which made him blush a lot

jisung: w-wanna go walk around?, t-these two are j-just gonna f-flirt all l-lunch time

minho: oh uhmm y-yeah sure lets go

jisung smiled and got up with minho still holding his hand and they both headed out to the hallway to walk around

jisung: s-so minho, tell me a-about yourself?

minho: uhmm well, i have a younger sister named jisoo, my mom is an amazing mom really, my dad is ugh yk, im actually g-gay, not much people know uhmmm im 17 i play football and once i turn 18 i want to leave this whole place and move to new york i guess, what about you?

jisung: uhmm well, i o-only have one b-brother w-which is felix, im 16 my parents a-are pretty good, uhmm i have a h-heart problem t-that makes it hard to b-breathe which is w-why i need this m-machine, uhmm ive a-always been sick i g-guess? always in and out of the h-hospital but r-recently my d-doctor told me im g-getting better so i could c-come to s-school in p-person instead of h-homeschooling still, i h-have a s-strutter, uhmmm i-im gay, and when im old e-enough and hopefully when i get better i want to go to p-paris to see the eiffel t-tower, its always b-been my dream to be honest.

minho smiled and held jisungs hand tighter which made jisung blush at the fact they were still holding hands

minho: thats a beautiful dream jisung, and im sure one day you'll go and see it

jisung: t-thanks minho.

minho: of cour-

minho then got cut off by some guys on the football team who were walking by

??: minho?? what are you doing holding that little fags hand??

minho the quickly let go of jisungs hand and laughed a bit

minho: i was just helping him! he wasn't feeling well so i just helped him up!

??: ahaha alright, why don't you come hang out with us? or your staying with the little weird kid

minho: pfftt of course not, why would i stay with a werido?, wait up!

he then turned to jisung and mouthed "sorry." before running down the hall catching up with the other football players leaving jisung alone in the hallway. his heart broke. no way did minho just ditch him..and call him a weirdo?. how could he? jisung thought they were getting along nicely.

-few weeks later.

its been a few weeks since minho ditched jisung and well called him weird. of course he didnt tell anyone since he didnt wanna create drama but instead got distant with the whole group. anytime felix would bring the group of to hang out jisung would lock himself in his room not wanting to talk to any of them. especially minho. everyone found this weird especially minho. it broke his heart everytime he saw jisung ignoring him but he knew why he was getting ignored but sadly the only class jisung couldn't escape seeing minho was in math. since they were partners.

minho: so jisung i was thinking why don't we go to the library? to study?

jisung: n-no thank y-you.

minho: what whyyyy??

jisung: i-im sure you d-dont want to be s-seen with the w-weird kid.

minho: jisung come sorry about that day. i just didn't want the guys to know.

jisung: k-know what?.

minho: t-that im gay not ready to come out yet.

jisung then laughed before stopping what he was doing and looking at minho in the eyes

jisung: i-its not the fact that y-you let go of m-my hand, i-i dont care a-about that. i-its the fact y-you called me a-a werido m-minho.

minho: and im sorry about that too! i didnt mean just came out.

jisung: w-well it still h-hurt so j-just leave me a-alone please.

minho: jisung..come on im sorry forgive me.

jisung: l-leave me alone.

minho: come on, im sorry okay? can't you just forget i-

he said trying to grab jisung hand but jisung just turned and slapped minho. he was shocked himself at what he just did. thankfully the teacher didn't see or anyone but minho was clearly pissed at jisung for doing that.

jisung: s-sorry.

minho: fuck you jisung.

he said getting up and grabbing his stuff before storming out the classroom


everyone started whispering and jisung just sat there in shock at what he just did, he just slapped minho for no good reason. he felt so bad he wanted to chase after minho but couldn't. he was in the middle of class. he just had to wait till the class ended.


next few chapters might or might not make sense since i was high and was running off an hour of sleep! but please enjoy and yes have a wonderful day or night sorry for any misspellings

words - 1034

goodbye - 09

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐁𝐨𝐲. )> minsung. Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu