chapter 3.

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-after class, in the hallway with all the boys except jisung felix and jeongin.

changbin: aish, i havent seen jeongin all dayyyy

hyunjin: ay its lunch time you'll maybe see him

chan: yeah but anywaysss seungmin wanna go see what they put out today?

seungmin: okay!

the two then left the group and walked in the lunch room smiling and playing around with each other

hyunjin: aish, can chan tell seungmin likes him back?

minho: literallyyyy!!!

hyunjin: omg! thats felix!

minho: feli?-

hyunjin: felix!! hiii!!

he said walking down the hallway meeting felix jisung and jeongin in the middle

felix: oh, hi hyunjin!

hyunjin: uhhhmm wanna sit with me and my friends? you and jisung both of course!

felix: uhh sure why not

he said smiling at hyunjin which made him smile too

jeongin: im gonna take jisung to get some food, hyunjin find minho and changbin

hyunjin: got it! come on felix, you'll really like my other friends

felix: ill see you inside okay jisung?

jisung: o-okay.

hyunlix then left down the hall to get minho and changbin while jeongin and jisung walked in the lunch room, once jeongin and jisung got their food they started heading to the table where chan and seungmin were at, once there jisung sat down next to jeongin kinda looking down.

chan: oh! hi jisung! we didnt really talk in english

seungmin: yeah, by the way your like really adorable and cute, your chubby cheeks are just so ughhh i love you already

jisung smiled and giggled a bit

jisung: t-thank you guys.

right as jisung was gonna start eating felix came and sat down next to him with hyunjin sitting next to felix

felix: hey ji

jisung: h-hi lix.

hyunjin: right, felix thats seungmin and chan, chan seungmin this is felix, jisungs twin brother

seungmin: woahhh twin????

felix: yuppie! just 3 minutes apart!

chan: thats so cool!!

changbin then came and sat down next to jeongin

changbin: so like yall share a birthday type shit?

felix: oh! uhhh not really, he was
born the 14th at 11:58pm then i was born the 15th at 12:00am!

chan: thats so coolll, so jisung your older?

jisung: y-yeah.

seungmin: thats so fun!! omg jisung your machine is like so pretty too, i love all the stickers

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