Not What it Seems Part 1

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The press party, which is what I have been calling it since the main point of it was to address the press, was not too bad. We had to give a few speeches and such but it was the usual so it didn't bother me that much. Uncle Win also gave his speech about having supers from all over come and join us on an event on the big ship he had which would help raise awareness and support for supers.

Everyone seemed to like it, and were happy to hear of the future plans that were coming up. Victor on the other hand looked really distracted, like something was lingering on his mind.

I knew what it was, and it frustrated me since he wouldn't let it go. He was still thinking back on the case, granted I couldn't tell him much to ease or calm whatever it was he was thinking since I wasn't awake but it was over, why couldn't he let it go?

While we mingled with other guests I saw Victor slip out of the room. I wanted to go after him but thinking about how this event was for us to address the press and entertain other guests it was best for one of us to stay.

-"So you're from Wisconsin?" I repeated what the super had said from me, I was too distracted to make up anything on my own.

-"Yes, I asked where you are from" he looked a bit annoyed to which I replied with a nervous chuckle before mumbling my reply.

-"Miss Incredible, a word?" one of the reporters asked me and before I could reply pulled me away from the other super I was talking too.

-"So how do you feel about the case?"

-"You seem a bit distracted tonight, is everything alright? Does it have to do with screensaver?"

-"What are your plans for after the event?" all four reporters waited for my reply, but once again I was cut off by Evelyn who tapped on my shoulder gently, a worried look on her face.

-"Please excuse me" I told the reporters with much joy on the inside as I followed Evelyn to the outside of the room.

-"Is something wrong?" I asked her, feeling nervous about what she had to say, and the fact that Victor had not returned for a while left me on edge.

-"Victor's in trouble" my heart dropped at her words.

-"W-What type of trouble? Is he hurt?"

-"He's physically fine, but he had an encounter with screenslaver-"

-"But Victor stopped him, that makes no sense"

-"Turns out the pizza man wasn't the real one, the real one escaped moments ago"

-"He's fine overall, he's just acting a bit strangely" she led me to a hallway and turned to stand beside a door.

-"He's in here" she opened the door, letting me into a dark room with the only light source being the open door that she stood by.

-"Weird how?" I asked, she gave no reply but I found out for myself when Victor started to throw punches.

-"Victor stop! What's wrong with you?!" I didn't want to hit him so I just blocked the punches out. I tried throwing ice at him but he put a shield around me that got smaller as he put his hands together.

-"Victor it's me! Y/n!" I yelled at him as I tried burning a hole through the shield.

He dropped his hands and the shield fell. I stood up slowly, backing up a little bit to give myself some distance in case he decided to attack again.

He stared at me for a bit, as he did I noticed the glasses he was wearing that blocked his eyes, when did he get those? He slowly walked to me, and wrapped his arms around my waist like he usually did before starting to forcibly kiss me.

I tried pulling away and getting him off of me since it was making me uncomfortable, he never did this type of thing, what was wrong with him?

I managed to make some distance between the two of us, but it was very little, and not very effective since I had to keep him away from me. I tried looking around me to find something to throw at him since using my powers would probably hurt him. I found nothing but I noticed someone's shadow behind me, I assumed it was Evelyn, but why would she be right behind me?


I hoped you enjoyed the chapter!


The Incredibles 2 (Male! Violet x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum