Finally Caught

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(POV: Reader)

My body felt sore but I forced myself to open my eyes to look around. I was in a car, my head resting on Victor's lap, as he rested his head on the car's seat, he was sleeping.

I must have moved a bit too much because Victor slowly opened his eyes, smiling down at me softly when he noticed I was awake. I wanted to ask a bunch of questions but the silence seemed too nice and comforting to break.

Instead I cuddled closer to Victor, closing my eyes once more as he wrapped his arms around me.

-Small Time Skip-

The car ride wasn't long, we were back at the DevTech building and waiting for us were uncle Win and Evenlyn who looked happy to see us. I wondered what had happened after I turned off the electricity, I didn't remember much of it, it seemed like some sort of blur in my memory.

Uncle Win hugged us both and sent Victor and I to bed, which I didn't complain about since I was dying to get some more rest. My room was the closest so we both crashed in there, getting the much needed sleep we both needed.

-After Resting-

Uncle Win had called us back into the conference room to talk, Victor had explained what happened and assured me that screenslaver had been caught. He was able to catch him after I cut off the lights.

Victor had him under a shield for about a half hour before the cops arrived to arrest him. An ambulance also came to check on Victor and I, at that time uncle Win and Evelyn showed up.

The press came along with the officers, so uncle Win and Evelyn had stayed back for a bit to address it before getting to DevTech.

We were let go a bit after they had addressed the press, the paramedics wanted to make sure we were both okay before letting us go. I have no idea how I had no memory of that, or how I didn't wake up from all the sounds but Victor explained to me that the paramedics had said my blood pressure had dropped significantly which led to me passing out.

Screenslaver ended up being some pizza delivery man which made no sense but I wasn't going to question it since I was happy to be finally done with that.

-"So that's it, we're done with screenslaver?" I asked, hoping for a for sure yes.

-"Not quite"

-"You have to address the press since you two were the only ones there, but we'll host an event and invite all of them instead of having you do individual interviews" uncle Win explained to which we nodded.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Sorry it's a bit short!

There's about 2-3 chapters left and we are done with the book!


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