05 | half an explanation

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Instead, he bargained to be able to join Dahyun's band, and she agreed when their parents did. Doyoung was rather shy when meeting the rest of the band, a quiet boy trying his best to fit in an already tight-knit friend group.

But he needn't have worried. The others (Taeyong, Irene, and Winter) easily accepted Doyoung, and when he offered his ideas, they never belittled him or made him feel unworthy of joining them.

In fact, it was Doyoung who had come up with the name "GenU:ine". Irene had wanted the name of the band to reflect the impact they intended to have on youth, and the "U" was supposed to stand for "United", and "Gen U" meant that they were a new generation, a united generation.

Taeyong suggested that they add something to it to make it more unique, and when Winter mentioned "more genuine", it clicked in Doyoung's head.

It didn't take long after that for them to realise that Doyoung was more of a leader than the rest of them were, although Doyoung is the second youngest after Winter. He was brilliant at introducing them, took initiative in finding ways to get the band's music out there, and always made sure everyone felt heard. Although they all pamper him, they also treat him with the respect he deserves.

The third time Doyoung was rendered speechless was when you came up to him with a smile, telling him how good his playing was and how you loved GenU:ine's music. He has never had someone tell him that before. He was struck speechless by your looks and your sincerity and impulsively asked you out.

So when Rhysal said that you already had a girlfriend and that the two of you were dating, the disappointment he felt was immeasurable. He didn't know what to say.

The fourth time that Doyoung was rendered speechless... Well, it was also because of you.

He wasn't expecting you to not have an umbrella that evening. Nobody in London, in the right state of mind, would leave their house without an umbrella. So when you were caught in the rain, not once, but twice, he didn't know what else to do but to offer to help you.

He held the umbrella to your side more than his, not wanting you to get wet, and was slightly drenched because of it. He didn't know that you would care so much that you would insist on him going up to your house.

The most unexpected instance of all was when you kissed him. He didn't know that you had feelings for him, and he didn't know how to interpret the briefness of the kiss. When he straightened up and looked at you, he found himself speechless for the fourth time in his life.

"Doyoung?" You call, and Doyoung is forcefully wrenched from his thoughts. He's been standing in the corner of the lift for the entire duration, staring at you and thinking about what he should say next.

You beat him to it, calling his name as the door opens, and he manages to process the sound of keys jingling while you walk up to your door and unlock it.

There, sitting on the couch, are four of your friends. Doyoung recognises Rhysal, but he can't recall the names of the other three. You do a double take upon seeing them, and Doyoung infers that there aren't supposed to be that many people in your house.

"It's Movie Monday, isn't it," you say weakly.

Rhysal raises her eyebrows and nods. "Can't help you get out of this one. Phoebe's been going mad asking about where you've been."

As if on cue, Phoebe leaps up from the couch and smothers you in a hug. "You have the absolute worst timing! Whenever there's nothing going on in our house, you're sitting in your room writing, and when there is something going on, you're always out!"

Doyoung leaves the wet umbrella outside and shuffles awkwardly, shoes still on as he waits outside your door. Phoebe seems to finally realise that you're not the only one who's at the door, and looks over your shoulder at Doyoung.

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