"Don't you insult them," Brock demanded and Moo raised an eyebrow. "Nah, I'll do whatever. What you going to do, huh bitch? Put me in the corner?" He mocked him and Brock crossed his arms.

"No, but I'll have Tyler deck you," he said and Brian laughed. "Oh now that's something I gotta see, let's go," he said as Moo leaped nimbly from the stool and sauntered to the front door.

Brock took Terroriser's hand and gently led him outside, making sure to lock the door since he already had his sword. They headed to Daithi's house, which was the closest to Brock's and Brock knocked.

The door opened and Daithi stood there, wide eyed and irritated. "Oh my days, you guys have one too?" He gasped as he took in Moo and Terroriser, the first leaning on one leg unimpressed and the latter hiding behind Brock.

"Well that answers that question. Where is yours?" Brock asked and Daithi made a face. "In here," he said with a groan and the four followed him inside, finding a white haired man with a backwards headset and purple shirt lounging on Daithi's couch.

His blue eyes were cool and intelligent, his face calculating as he took in the newcomers. Moo sneered at him and the man's eyes narrowed before rolling in derision.

"Ugh, who are these guys?" He asked flatly and Daithi took a deep breath. "This is Brian and Brock, I don't know their names. Guys, this is Nogla," Daithi said exhausted and Brock tilted his head.

"Well at least this one doesn't look like a bitch," Moo said calmly and Brock rubbed at his forehead as Nogla appraised his doppelganger.

Nogla stood up, moving to Moo with a sneer. "You look like a punk, think you're cool?" He asked and Moo smirked. "No, just cooler than you. Which isn't hard, from what I can tell," he said smoothly and Nogla grinned coldly.

"You know, I like you," he said and Moo grinned. Brock sighed as Daithi gaped at Moo, glancing at Brock startled. "Daithi, this is Moo and Terroriser," Brock said, gesturing to the two.

Moo didn't pay Daithi any mind, picking at a scar on his arm uninterestedly as Terroriser waved his fingers shyly from behind Brian. Daithi smiled brightly at Terroriser, the Brian double flushing as he smiled back.

The door flew open and everyone turned, seeing Tyler storm in with a man behind him, face pale and body shaking. "Oh God there's fucking more? What's going on? Brock?" Tyler demanded and the Tyler doppelganger flinched hard, making Tyler sigh.

"I'm sorry Zip, I'm not mad at you okay," Tyler said exasperated and the man, Zip, nodded, keeping his eyes down. "Man, there's a lot of pussy bitches here today," Moo sneered and Tyler glared at him.

"Excuse me? Who the fuck do you think you are?" Tyler demanded and Nogla appraised him. "Ah, I see Moo, this is a pig who thinks he's tough," he said coldly and Tyler sneered, hands curling into fists.

Brock quickly stepped in between them, hands up. "No fighting, understand me? Not until we know what's going on here. Hi, I'm Brock, Tyler said your name is Zip?" Brock asked the shaking man kindly and he nodded.

"I-I'm Wildcat, but prefer Zip," he stuttered, twisting his black shirt in his hands. He was covered in bandages and scars, his clothes opposite of Tyler's with black pants and white stripes, a black shirt with a green cat on it. His helmet was grey, green eyes wide and scared.

The door opened again and Zip flinched into Tyler's side, everyone looking over to see two Evan's, Jon's and Anthonys walking in. "Oh fuck, I guess we all have one? Has anyone seen Marcel and Scotty?" Evan asked as he took in the doubles and Brock shook his head.

Evan's double had a blue jacket on, eyes red and a detached expression on his face. Jon's was hidden behind a grey and blue mask, jacket red and arms crossed. Anthony's double had a reverse Panda bear hat on, face cold and eyes dark.

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