XXIV : Reveal

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   Naomi looked away as though remembering was too painful for her, avoiding Christine's eyes. "I had the biggest crush on Scott from our first year in college, but he never noticed me. I can't really blame him though, he had almost every girl's attention, and I was just one of them. But I was patient. I knew true love always finds a way.

   "In our third year, we started to speak to each other. Mostly because of school work, but we eventually started to get close. Scott never made any move though, and I didn't want to push it and end up pushing him away. But then, he surprised me by asking me to the Valentine Festival. Ecstatic doesn't even begin to describe how I felt. I spent the two weeks after he asked me out planning my outfit. It felt like everything was becoming right in my life."

   Naomi heaved a deep sigh before continuing, "I showed up for work that day, in high spirits. I knew my shift would be over in time for me to make the festival. But then, Ruby showed up with you and gave Sam that silly excuse. I was livid, but didn't want to disrespect Sam. You left, and I was forced to continue your shift. I was able to convince one of the girls to cover for me but by the time I was able to, it was already too late. Scott had texted and called me several times, and I started to feel sad because I began to imagine how he felt. Wanting to get there in a hurry, I called my mother to come pick me up."

   A loud cry came from Naomi, startling Christine. Naomi was still looking away from her, but Christine could tell she was crying. Naomi clutched her chest and lowered her back, as though in pain. Christine walked to her, with the intent of comforting her. However, as soon as her hand touched Naomi's back, Naomi shoved her away.

   "Don't you dare touch me! Murderer!" Naomi stood up and faced Christine, still giving her those angry eyes. "Because of you, I lost her. My mum, my pillar of life. I lost her because of you."

   Christine started backing away, moving away from Naomi. However, Naomi followed her till her back hit the wall. Christine shuddered in fear as Naomi continued to speak.

   "I lost her in a car accident, because she was in a hurry for me to meet my date. Imagine the guilt I felt. But I guess I got my punishment, because I ended up with this mark on my face. With my mum gone, I couldn't finish college. I didn't have anyone else to support me. I could barely afford to feed myself on my own because of the debts my mother left me in. So, I ended up as a nurse for the old. That's how I got this house." Naomi looked around the room in disdain. "A patient I took care of willed it to me before passing away. It's not much, but it's the only piece of property I have in my name.

   "Anyways, back to our story. When I got this scar, I knew it was useless to come back to Scott, because I was scared he would never accept me as such. So I avoided him, watching his life from the sidelines. I saw him always hang out with you, but I didn't think it would amount to anything serious. That's till I saw the announcement in the news when you went public. You can imagine the pain I felt. I lost the love of my life to the one person who stood in our way from the start.

   "Scott gave you everything. He even takes care of your niece. All of that should have been mine. It is all rightfully mine. You're just a thief who got lucky. When I saw the news about your pregnancy, I knew I had to do something. I couldn't just lose the man of my dreams to a low life like you."

   Ignoring the fear she felt, Christine asked her, "What makes you think getting rid of me will get you Scott? He will just hate you."

   Naomi shook her head frantically. "No, Scott will never. He loves me."

   Naomi looked at Christine with eyes full of childlike innocence, and Christine felt nothing but pity for her.

   "It's not even a guarantee that things would have worked out between you people if you met on that date. Have you even thought about that?"

   Naomi looked confused as she pondered on this new information. "But it worked out between you two."

   "It doesn't mean it would have worked out for you."

   Naomi stepped back from Christine and yelled, her hands on her head, as though she was in pain. She then started to shake her head frantically, muttering, "Get out of my head. Get out of my head."

   Christine slowly approached her. "Naomi, you need help."

   "No! Don't you dare come near me. You're lying to me! You don't want me to be happy like you! You stole the perfect life that is supposed to be mine!"

   "I hate to have to break your bubble of delusion, but my life is far from perfect. It only looks perfect on the outside."

   "No! You're lying! Liar! Thief! Murderer!"

   "I understand what happened to you, and I can imagine the pain you're in right now, but I didn't do any of those things you're accusing me of. Life just happened."

   "No!" Naomi yelled before extending her hand and striking Christine's face.

   Christine doubled back in pain, and leaned against the wall for support.

   "I hate you!" Naomi yelled.

   "If you hate me so much, why did you pick up my niece from school? Why wear my clothes?"

   Naomi seemed to be in a haze as she replied, "Because I want your life. I hate Summer's connection to you, but Scott loves her, hence I love her too."

   Christine shook her head. "You're sick in the head. You need help."

   "No! Don't say that!"

   "If you let me go, I can get you the help you need. Your obsession with Scott is unhealthy."

    "No! Scott loves me too! He just doesn't know I didn't stand him up. He was forced to move on because of the pain. If only I could just talk to him..."

   Christine took Naomi's face in her hands, and spoke to her softly, "Naomi, I can get you the help you need."

   "No! I don't need help! I need Scott!"

   "Okay, if you want Scott, I'll give him to you. But you have to let me go first."

   Naomi looked at her with hopeful eyes, "Really? You'd do that for me?"

   "Of course. I think it's time I gave you back what is rightfully yours."

   Naomi starts to smile, then her face drops. "You're lying. I can see how heavily you're breathing. You just want to get out of here so you can keep Scott away from me forever. But, no! I won't be a fool again!"

   Naomi flung Christine's hands aside and angrily walked out of the room, banging the door on her way out. Christine walked to the mattress on the floor, where she curled up in a ball and cried herself to sleep.

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