No Name.. But its still here!

367 11 2

TWS: illness, fainting

Series: ESMP #2
Angsty Fluff
Prompt: Heat Exhaustion
REALY QUICK CLEARING: scotts elytra is just a cloak in my au, his actual wings he used to fly are owl wings, referring to season one, his white gold rimmed wings. He uses the cloak to hide the owl wings as hes embarrassed being a bird despite jimmy being a canary

{Scotts POV}

I woke up to a fairly normal day in Chromia. of course, there was a server-wide heatwave coming on and that was not very nice for my flowers.. or me. 
I had never done very well with heat. And this was only day two.
Luckily chromia has a decent ventilation and AC system that reaches all the buildings. soo i just- haven't really left my home in a few days. 
Of course, ive been going over to feed Crow and Mia, and outside to feed all the llamas and check on owen. but besides that.. i was inside these days.
I went outside once more, just to feed crow and mia. Ide fed the others earlier.
as in earlier like- five minutes ago- 
but i felt disgusting even being outside for like- the 10 minutes i walked around chromia
So i cleaned up before heading over to the bridge.
Though i still was just wearing, 
My white dye stained t-shirt
my magenta belt
my black jeans
and my brown and gold heeled boots.
I threw my hair up into a braid before leaving, i wasnt going to bother putting on my hat 
And before i knew it, i spread my large owl wings and  flew off towards pixls bridge. 
I landed. God it felt much more hot near the Ancient Capital. No wonder the grass was always dead, besides pix digging it up to find more and more artifacts. 
I sighed, opening my little brown bag i had flung over my shoulder filled with wheat for Crow and Mia.
I opened the gate, walking in cautiously as to not let them out.
I walked over and brushed the two for a couple of minutes before walking over to the colorful, feeder i had built for them
I placed the wheat down in its designated spots as well as sprinkling some sugar in between where the wheat was for a treat. 
I signaled for them and they came. 
It wasnt long before i began to feel dizzy in the heat.
"God- all i gotta do.. is make sure they eat.. then head home." I mumbled to myself. 
"Oh! heya scott! didnt expect to see you out right now!" Shelby exclaimed
"Oh! Hi shelbs!! " i said and smiled 
"whatre you doing here?" she asked
"feeding Crow and mia! Despite how much i hate heat, i have no choice, im not gonna neglect my pets because of a small deficiency." i stated
"what do you mean by deficiency?"  shelby asked
"as much as i hate heat, heat hates me." is how i explained it 
"Ohhh- okay- how long have you been out then? how long should you be out?" she questioned
"Im fine shelby, i swear- ive been out here for around 15 minutes,  im not exactly sure how long i 'should' be out though-" i said 
"Just dont be dumb and get home safe alright? This heatwave doesnt seem like its going to pass any time soon" shelby sighed
"eh- no promises! i still have a couple of trades to make.. and a few shops to restock- and check on the villagers.. but i think.... thats all" i stated
"please take breaks if you need them okay? " shelby stated
"i will" i said and smiled
"alright, ive got a potion delivery to make so i shall see you later!" shelby said
"b-bye shelbs!" i said stuttering just a little bit 
i stumbled into the stone fence. I was overly dizzy now. 
"i forgot how much of a toll heat takes on me.." i muttered sitting myself down 
i sat down against the hot stone wall, i took a few deep breaths to try and collect myself
the area was slightly shaded, but it didnt help. the hot gusts of wind brushed against my skin.
I could barely focus on what was going on around me. 
I was nauseous and dizzy, i couldnt get home.. i knew i couldnt.
I made an attempt at using my communicator, i looked at the screen.
It had overheated.
I pulled out my phone.. same thing.
I couldnt even ask for help. 

{Shelbys POV}

"Pix!!! Pix!!!" i called
"Ah shelby, you have the tipped arrows and potions for your section in the museum?" he said 
"Yes sir! Hope all the villagers, ghosts and you are handling the heat wave alright?" I stated
"Ah yes, we are all fine. Added extra air conditioned huts to the corners of every road, that way nobody ends up overheated, been working out so far!" Pix stated
"Ah well thats good! i got quite lucky to be in such a shaded area, still gets pretty hot in the evermoore though" i stated
"well, safe travels home!" Pix smiled
"Bye Pix!" i said heading towards the bridge 
I began to walk on the bridge, admiring everyone's statues before taking off. But i stopped at the chromia statue. 
I saw scott, sitting against the stone wall of the bridge, he seemed quite, lifeless?
He was pale and just sitting there, his breathing was uneasy, but he was attempting to even it out.
I without hesitation jumped over the fence and ran to his side.
"Scott, are you alright?" i asked quickly
"Im fine.. just forgot how much of a toll heat takes on me.." he mumbled back, his head falling into his knees 
"You do not look or sound alright scott. please be honest with me!" i almost yelled, but then i panicked, noticing he'd passed out. 
I cant hold a 6'8 man and fly by myself.. ughhh what the heck do i do.. think shelby think!!!
I screamed at myself in my head
jimmy or joel.. joel is scotts good friend.. but hes closer with jimmy.. joels a god.. and jimmys a sheriff.. Joel. ask joel to take him back to chromia then inform jimmy.. YES! good job shelby OH RIGHT- my friend is passed out..
I grabbed out my communicator


SmallishBeans: Yes Shelby?

Shubble: i need your helllp-

SmallishBeans: How so?

Shubble: just come to pixls bridge! theres not much time to explain, its self explanitory when you get here, just hurry, please!

SmallishBeans: okayyyy-?

I turned off my communicator and panicked slightly, i just preyed joel would get here on time.
3 minutes later, joel did arrive. luckily. as scotts state didnt seem to be getting much better
"Oh jesus christ- what happened- and why am i not surprised-?" joel said 
"One, you shouldnt be. Two, i think its heat exhaustion, last thing i heard was him telling me he forgot how much of a toll heat takes on him." I stated
Joel swooped scott into his arms
"cmon, lets get him back to chromia, i assume thats why you wanted me" he smiled
"yeahh-" i admitted before taking off on my broom
Joel flung up after me and we flew to chromia.
Joel sized down to scotts height once we arrived.
We entered his little house and joel flew up to scotts little loft bedroom and placed him on his bed 
"is his temperature high, or did the heat just do that much to him?" i asked
Joel placed the back of his hand on scotts forehead
"Holy sh!t that cannot be healthy-" joel stated, now worried
"Ill go grab an icepack, that may help bring his temperature down" i stated, joel nodded
We stayed with him for an additional 3 hours until he woke up, he was embarrased and apologized profusely for what happened

"I- im sorry i didnt mean to worry you guy- or or be an inconvience i-" i cut him off
"scott its alright, i promise! we are happy to help you okay?" i said 
"yeah! we'd rather help you then leave you unconsious in the scorching hot sun" joel said
"yeah and for the rest of this heatwave we can feed crow and mia for you okay?" i offered
"..fine.." scott mumbled
"now rest okay? we wont leave, and you sir, will be staying inside, we will help around chromia any way we can!" Joel stated enthusiastically
"are you guys sure i can sti-" i cut him off again
"yes! we are sure, now rest for us okay?" I smiled
"fine." scott said, not attempting to protest further.

He laid back down and soon fell asleep. Me and joel went around watering the flowers and replanting wheat and sugarcane throughout chromia. It was rather peaceful!

A/N Hi everyone! im just here to say.. 1.. trio angsty fluff because.. i can. and two.. 
Please check out my dear online friend
 Her books are amazing and severely underrated! She deserves so much more :D

Just Scott(Smajor) sickfics and angstWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt