IX. what now?

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Chapter Nine 

what now? 

3rd person pov 

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3rd person pov 

"so it was kaylin?" katya said as they stared at kaylin and cadens dead bodies together, they were dissected and looked like they were stealing the others breath for each other with no care in the world and maybe it was supposed to be like that. 

"seems like it" dora said and veah sighed 

"you know, I thought it could've been her when I saw the blood, but I didn't say anything. I don't wanna put us against each other, we're all being attacked and if we act like it's one of us then we're just gonna start attacking each other and that's not what we need to do" veah said and juna sighed 

"so what do we do?" she asked 

"junas right, jonathans dead, ronans dead, cadens dead, kaylins dead. too many people have died already and i feel like now we're sitting ducks" katya spoke up and veah nodded as she looked at katya and then at dora. 

"we keep moving, we keep fighting. we don't know why this is happening and its clear that if someone dies and doesn't come back that this isn't some witch thing. And I don't think it could be a witch thing a lot of us have died already, and if this was a curse, we would know by now" katya suggested 

"okay well we don't have any way of knowing that do we?" alex said and veah turned to him with a stare. 

"lets not turn against each other, we have to work together and the only way to do that is by making sure we stick together and don't do anything stupid" veah told him and he scoffed at her but he nodded and looked at dora. she hadn't said much and he knew that she like everyone else was processing caden and kaylins death. 

"v, how are you?" dora asked her and veah froze. she didn't know how to answer that question right now. She thought about this question before and how she would answer it, but she didn't think that she would be asked to it when she was staring at her best friend's dead body. Her and Caden had stuff together with through everything, and she knew that he had some sort of feelings for her, but he didn't tell her because of who she was and what she liked. 

The two of them were close and like siblings so she stared at his dead body. She realized that he was gone and he wasn't coming back and she didn't save him. If she had tried to save him, maybe he wouldn't be dead right now and maybe she would be able to hold him and tell him that the world, and that this was gonna be OK. She didn't know that, though the one thing she worried about was how she was going to tell his parents. 

How she was going to tell anyone's parents what was she gonna say to Kaylin's or Jonathan's or Ronan? She thought that she was gonna have to sit in the back of the funeral and stare at their caskets not saying a thing, and that horrified her. she kept thinking of the fact that it could have been her and maybe it should have been her. maybe she should be the dead one right now and she shouldn't have to worry about burying them or telling their parents. she used to stay that she didn't fear death but now she did. if this got out, people would blame her and say that either she was the one who did it or that she was there and didn't bother to save them but either way. she was going to be made out as neveah the heartless bitch yet again. 

"I don't know" was all that veah could say and it made sense. what do you say when things like these happen? "oh its fine, just another normal day" or "yeah im good, just staring at my dead. best friend" 

"what do you mean you don't know?" alex asked and she turned to her head. she stared in a way that could only tell him what she meant by she didn't know. 

"I mean, I don't know. What am I supposed to say to their parents? I'm gonna be blamed for this and I know that. Everyone has always known me as Nevaeh, the heartless bitch who couldn't give a single fuck about anyone but herself. I'm staring at his dead body and all I can think is that it's my fault that I could've done something and I didn't. I don't know because my brain is in 1 million places and all I can think about is the fact that I could have done something. If I was here if I had been around, I could've stopped it I don't know whether I'm sad or angry or scared. I have no idea that's what I mean but I don't know." she ranted and she felt the tears dripping down her face but she didn't do anything to stop them. she knew that she couldn't do anything to stop them 

" i get it v, but we can't stand here crying about this. as you said, we have to kill those motherfuckers and get it over with. if we stay here any longer, we could all die at once and none of us want that. so let's go and get out of here before something else happens" Juna stated and they were right. 

how many more people had to die before this ended? She had already lost Caden, ronan and Jonathan, if she lost anyone else, she would break and she already was. this was her life now and she had to get used to it. 


oh hello, pre-written chapter because I'm finally mapping out the book! 

oh hello, pre-written chapter because I'm finally mapping out the book! 

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