Communication Across Realities

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They eventually decide to let Heeseung have one more day of lessons before they help him slowly come down from his addiction. As he defeatedly heads back to his room, the sounds of Riki's tired giggles flitting into his ear, he pulls out his phone one last time before heading back to bed.

Duolingo's handsome, kind face greets him before he opens the app and woefully does a couple more lessons in the comfort of his room, snuggled under the covers. At least he has the room to himself for now. It would be a lot more embarrassing if someone else witnessed him wake up in a panic to a borderline wet dream about Duolingo.

As the minutes tick by, Heeseung notices something...peculiar. The examples Duo is giving him are more and more...strange.

The example that he now sees on his screen is one of the "reconstruct the sentence using the correct tiles" examples, but the sentence he's supposed to reconstruct is a little peculiar.

"You are very attractive," the screen reads, complete with the pink shirt man winking at him and blowing him a kiss once Heeseung correctly constructs the sentence. The one before this was, "I wish I could meet you," and the one before that was, "You make me happy."

Heeseung yawns, his vision growing bleary as his eyes begin to close against his will. He clicks on the last "DONE" button just before he dozes off, unable to see what the screen now reads.

"I love you, Heeseung."


"I swear the app is flirting with me," Heeseung hisses out during breakfast time, to which Riki groans as he tries not to fall asleep into his bowl of rice and curry Jay prepared for them all.

"No, it's not, hyung. You're just delusional because you wanna fuck the Duolingo mascot," the youngest mumbles as he tiredly grips his spoon. "Damn, you messed up my sleep."

Heeseung rolls his eyes before turning to Jungwon. "Jung--"

Jungwon puts a hand up, stopping Heeseung in his verbal tracks. "No. Disrespectfully, hyung, I don't wanna hear it."

Heeseung scoffs. "That's a little rude."

"Yeah? So is waking me up in the middle of the night over having a wet dream about a language app mascot."

Heeseung flushes, folding his arms. "It wasn't a wet dream..."

"It sure was something," Jungwon snaps, "and I don't wanna hear any more about it than I already have."

"Aw, but it's kinda funny, Jungwonie~," Jake says before yawning and setting his bowl down. "Heeseung-hyung's finally lost it completely."

"I haven't! It's the stupid owl," Heeseung clarifies, to which Jake waves him off and snorts.

"If that's what you need to tell yourself," Jake says.

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