The Beginning of the End

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Looking back on it, this entire situation is Jay's fucking fault.


"Hyung, you should try this app," Jay says, showing Heeseung an app on his phone. Heeseung squints as he reads the name.


Jay nods. "I've been using it to help me with French. And, you know, touch up my perfect English."

Heeseung snorts, rolling his eyes. "Okay, American Boy."

"I'm just saying. Jake and I won't always be there, so if you're working on solo projects and stuff and you're out on your own, you should practice English with this."

Heeseung shrugs, pulling out his phone and heading to the app store, downloading the app without a second thought. He thinks the green bird looks kinda funny. In a silly little way. You know, like a cartoon.

Heeseung watches as the app confirms its download before popping up on his home screen, and Jay walks him through setting up his account.

"Have fun, Heeseung-hyung," Jay says with an encouraging smile before walking off.

Heeseung looks down at the app, staring at the words on his screen as he begins his first lesson.

This, Heeseung will only realize much later as his heart pounds, is the beginning of the end.

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