Balfour Declaration ( 1917 )

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In 1917, British foreign secretary, Arthur Balfour sent a letter to the leader of British Jewish community, Lord Rothschild. The letter contained what is known as the Balfour Declaration which was a public statement by the British voicing their support for the Jews during the first world war.

The declaration established that Palestine, which was now a British mandate due to the fall of the Ottoman Empire, was to be a national home for the Jews. Palestine was never the Brits to give.

In World War 2, the Holocaust happened ( fun fact the number of Jews now, is still LESS than before World War 2 ) so in 1940's, because all european countries denied Jewish refugees basically leaving them with no place to go to leading them to see...

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In World War 2, the Holocaust happened ( fun fact the number of Jews now, is still LESS than before World War 2 ) so in 1940's, because all european countries denied Jewish refugees basically leaving them with no place to go to leading them to seek refuge in palestine.

Before Zionism, Christians, Muslims AND Jews all lived in peace

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Before Zionism, Christians, Muslims AND Jews all lived in peace. It was called the Holy Land for a reason.

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