2 - daffodil

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i need to tell her.

i need to tell her about this.

if i don't...


Balloony walked into Golf Ball's office in an attempt to tell her of the current situation he's in. The flowers won't stop lodging out of his throat, despite her saying this would be over by yesterday. When he entered, he immediately coughed up white flower petals, leading Golf Ball to be a bit surprised. "Jeez, what's happening now?" she asked, as he tried to regain his voice. 

He didn't answer immediately and just kept coughing until there was nothing left but dry heaves. Golf Ball watched him with concern before going back to what she was working on on her computer. "It looks like your petals are coming out of your lungs," she stated, not looking up. Balloony felt himself flush as he realized what she said. "Yeah, I noticed that as well, it looks like they're coming out of my lungs, " Balloony answered. He could feel the flowers moving in his windpipe.

Golf Ball looked at her computer. "I've been researching this specific condition you have at the moment. It seems you have whats called "hanahaki disease". It's an illness where, when love or affection isn't returned, it causes flowers, which are usually red ones, to start blooming in the lungs. There aren't too many documented cases, so we aren't even sure if we can find one. If it does exist, though, then your lungs are being invaded with these flowers, which is causing the pain you're feeling." Balloony nodded along, not wanting to ask the questions he was dying to ask. What's wrong with me? How long has it been going on for? How much longer will I get it?

"The only certain cure is if you confess to your beloved, and they return the feelings. It can be surgically removed, but your romantic feelings for said beloved will be removed entirely. And, while we do have some information, the surgery itself is very difficult. And expensive, which means you'd be out a lot more than you currently are," She informed him. He sighed. "I don't think I should go the surgical route. " he said. "I'm sorry for making you go through all of this trouble. If I knew it was gonna take so long, I never would've asked about it.""It's no trouble. Just remember that I'm always available, should any complications arise, if you need someone to talk to," she smiled.

Balloony returned it and made his way out of the office. The sooner this was resolved, the better. The flowers were becoming painful and he hated the fact he couldn't help her without putting her at risk. But that also meant that he had to wait. He really wasn't sure how much longer this would last. At least until tomorrow, he thought. Maybe two days? Or three? His heart clenched. Whatever amount of time he has left, he needs to get rid of it fast. Before he loses what little control he has left.

He went to his room and laid down on the bed. He closed his eyes and tried to focus on something else other than the pain inside of him. He took deep breaths and focused on anything else. Even though he knew, logically, it wouldn't work.


The next day, he woke up. But he stayed in bed. He didn't want to leave his bed for fear of what might happen to the flowers in his body after he did. He didn't want to deal with the emotions that would come from his absence. 

They didn't seem real, but they hurt so badly, that he couldn't bear to look at them. He wanted to get up, but he couldn't. It was like everything was weighing him down and he couldn't bring himself to get out of bed.

It felt like an entire weight had settled on his chest and his limbs, making him unable to move. He couldn't make a sound. Everything seemed muffled. Like cotton was stuffed in his ears. He couldn't breathe properly.

In an attempt to try to actually go through the day, he tried lifting himself off the bed, to no avail. After laying back down, breathing heavily, he wondered why. He felt like he shouldn't breathe. Not unless he wants it to stop hurting. He needed something else to fill his lungs, but nothing would come. No matter what he did, he couldn't escape these feelings.

Maybe its better to die then live. After all, who would want to live with a disease like this?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2023 ⏰

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