An Unwanted Surprise

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"I wear the pants in this relationship!" Maya randomly exclaimed as she walked in on me making breakfast for the two of us.

"Well, you literally are the only one wearing pants... so you're not wrong" I say back chuckling, she obviously doesn't appreciate it and moves to walk back out of the room.

"If you'd get dressed, we could have breakfast and get on with the day" she called back from our room. As I was about to answer, there was a knock at the door. "I'll get it, bella" I shouted in her direction.

Walking over to the door and opening it, I find a short blonde woman who looks very happy. She was dressed head-to-toe in casual but formal clothes.

"Can I help you?" I ask her carefully, hoping she isn't a salesperson or a religious person begging for us to repent again.

"Is Maya Bishop here? I am her mom" Her smile doesn't falter as she shares this information. I'm all too aware that my wife's mom hasn't been in her life for years. Without warning, I feel a hand stroking my back as Maya comes into view from the door.

"Mom... why are you here?" She questions in a shocked and overwhelmed way.

"I want a relationship with you and Mase" she says happily, showing she's either ignorant or none the wiser of the situation she'd left her daughter in.

"I'm sorry but Mase and I are no longer interested in having a relationship with the woman who left us as teenagers." Maya said with so much conviction, anyone would believe she meant it. "Never come back here again or talk to Mason without my knowledge" she says her final words before slamming the door in such a way that I worried the hinges would come off.

"Well, that wasn't on my bingo card of the year. I'm going to say something that's probably really bad, so if it's too bad. I just find it amusing that the woman who didn't recognise her husbands abuse towards herself and her kids, has suddenly turned up. The woman who left one child on the streets because of her husband's attitude, the one who did nothing to try and find said child as well. She just let him walk out the door. The same woman who found out that her husband had died and left their only daughter to sort out the paperwork for it, to plan the funeral, and to build a new normal after something so detrimental was taken away. How can she just turn up here and expect to be welcomed into my life. Into your life and our children's life" She ranted as she paced our kitchen, hands resting on the back of her head as she walked. My heart flutters at the mention of our eventual family but my heart breaks at the things she'd spouted out beforehand.

"Can I work on a baby room please? All the boxes are now in the house, and I just need to concentrate on something that won't make me run away" she begs, wide blue eyes. A peck to her forehead and she takes off running up to the bedroom. Today or should I say, the next few weeks are going to be very taxing on her mental health. Especially if her mom randomly comes up again.


8 hours of Maya disappearing upstairs, 8 hours of me bringing drinks and food up to her as I go on with the day I had planned. We originally had planned to go shopping but with the idea of seeing her mom, it was completely scrapped from both of our brains. She'd built every piece of furniture we had purchased so far before moving onto the next room. She'd single-handedly worked through all of the upstairs rooms, including my office. She'd built bassinets, changing tables, our bed, chairs, and desks perfectly. Every time I came into a room to give her a drink, she'd already built the next big thing. She was a busy bee!

By the time dinner came, I'd cooked lasagne in hope that it could coax her down the stairs and thankfully it did. She'd slowly walked down the stairs, carrying screwdrivers, screws, and a hammer that I'd never seen before.

"Did you cook the lasagne because you knew I'd come down the stairs?" She asked as she grabbed plates to put on the table.

"You know me so well" I whispered, bringing our bodies close together, leaving almost no room for either of us.

"I have another surprise for you if you'll follow me" I ask her as I loosely grab her hand and guide her into the living room. "You need to relax, and I know your mom threw you off, so Netflix is already loaded up. I have all of the snacks I hide from you, down on the table over there and I thought we could cuddle while sharing a glass of wine" I point to the different things in the room as I talk simultaneously looking back at Maya for reassurance. She continues to smile and puts a tighter grip on my hand.

"As long as I can get an actual glass of wine without you drinking the entire bottle, I'd love nothing more than to do all of this" she whispers back.

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