"Would you like me to ask you about it?" Ruhaan inquired gently.

I nodded wearily, my face reflecting the weariness of my emotional turmoil. I despised the fact that I was revealing myself as a person deeply scarred by past experiences. After all, that's all I felt I had become.

"So tell me," he said softly, and I nodded. I needed to vent. I needed to confide in someone.

Trigger Warning: This content may contain sensitive themes related to abuse and sexual assault. Reader discretion is advised.

"T-Three years back, I was in Delhi, just a resident treating minor cases at a reputed hospital. On September 5th, this young girl walked in, barely eighteen. I was assigned to treat her wounds, but while examining her, she asked me not to undress her. I was perplexed. Her eyes were bruised, and she had scratches all over her face and arms. I assured her gently that I wouldn't hurt her and promised not to share her story with anyone. Reluctantly, she allowed me to proceed." Ruhaan listened intently as I continued.

"Ruhaan, you wouldn't believe the horrifying state of her body. Bruises covered her from head to toe. Her breasts appeared cut and infected, and her abdominal wounds were poorly treated. I couldn't hold back my tears as I worked to help her. After I finished treating her, I asked who had done this to her. She gave me a sad smile and asked me to follow her. So, I did."

"She led me to an auto, and we drove to this dingy area. I followed her down a narrow lane until we reached a small, rundown flat. I entered the place, and what I saw scarred me. There were more than twenty women there, all in the same wretched condition as hers. Each one was miserable, cursing their cruel fates."

I took a deep breath, my voice quivering as I continued the harrowing tale. "I spoke to those women and learned that they had all fallen victim to the same man. Navin Sharma, a politician."

Ruhaan's eyes darkened with concern as he absorbed the gravity of the situation. "Navin Sharma," he repeated, his voice laced with a mix of anger and disbelief. 

"They told me how they were lured into his web of deceit, promising them a better life, employment, and a chance to escape their dire circumstances," I explained. "But once they were in his clutches, the nightmare began. He used his power and influence to keep them silent, threatening them and their families."

As I recounted the horrors I had uncovered, I could see the anger welling up in Ruhaan's eyes. "What did you do?" he asked.

"I did something foolish," I admitted, my voice quivering with the weight of my decision.

"I knew that going to the police or seeking government assistance would be futile, given the immense political power Navin Sharma held. So, I chose to confront him personally. I brought Ethan Mamu into the plan, making him promise not to tell my parents. He's married to Rohan Mamu, and together they run rescue shelters all over India. With their help, I managed to coordinate the girls' escape from that wretched flat one night. Every single one of them got away safely, but Navin's men had seen me leave last. For the next twenty days, I felt like I was constantly watched. Every move I made was monitored. During that time, only Viv was aware of my intentions. I was determined to see Navin behind bars."

Then came the darkest day of my life. "On September 23rd, as I was returning to my apartment in Delhi, a group of men barged in. They pinned me forcefully against the sofa, and Navin walked in with a sinister smirk."

The memory of that moment sent shivers down my spine, and I could feel the weight of Ruhaan's gaze as he waited for me to continue the chilling tale.

"I had never felt so powerless, Ruhaan," I continued, my voice quivering with the traumatic memory. "Navin stood before me with that malevolent grin, as if he relished the fear in my eyes. He knew that I had gathered evidence against him, and he was determined to silence me."

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