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Desdemona's Pov:

Michael and I were out shopping at the mall. Clothes shopping, jewelry shopping, food shopping, and more!!! We rented the whole place out to ourselves so that we could just shop alone, in our own peace. Besides, I think we can make it easier for the people who work there also. So....

Why the hell not?

The first place we went to was for some food, I got a sprite soda with a regular cheese pretzel and Michael got the same thing except with Coca Cola soda because we are soda fans.

The second place went to was for some diamonds and some jewelry, we spent our own money in this place to give us each our presents later.

The third place went to was for some clothes. I got dresses and all kinds of clothes, Michael got all kinds of clothes except for dresses too.

The last place we went to was for some shoes, I got heels, flats, sandals, flip flops, REGULAR SHOES. 

And this all took about 3 or 4 hours total, it'd be crazy if it reached up to 5 or 6 hours but we're not that dedicated to be shopping to be honest. 

But that's good!!!

That's completely fine.......!!!!!!!!!!!!

But as we were walking out of the shoe store, someone very familiar walked in. 

Who is this, you ask?

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Who is this, you ask?

Well, I think we all know, if you don't know you're just clearly living under a rock.

This is Diana Ross for short.

And the last time we saw each other for the SECOND TIME we ended it on a low and wrong note. But it wasn't like I was trying to catch up with her anyways, but she always wants to catch up with US because she's always approaching us FIRST.


Diana: Hello Michael! Desdemona......

Desdemona: Hmm....

Diana: Here to cause more trouble?

I looked at her up and down and then said-

Desdemona: We were actually here FIRST.

Michael cut me off early.

Michael: If I can ask, what ARE you even doing here in the first place?

Diana looked at him up and down as his arm was wrapped halfway around my shoulders.

Diana: Well it's a mall, Michael, what are you exactly saying?

Desdemona: What he's trying to say is, we rented out this whole place to ourselves, how did you get in?

Diana: Well, Michael used to take me here shopping ALL THE TIME before he even met you.

I glared at her.

Desdemona: Well he's with me now.....

It seemed like she had enough of me.

Diana: Your point? What is even the matter with you anyways? The both of ya's!

Michael: We're just trying to do our shopping, Diana. We can't do this any place or anywhere or anytime else. Because it's just like that, ya know? So if you could leave us alone now, that'd be great.

Desdemona: That'd actually be badass.

Diana: So Michael, maybe we could hang out sometime.....just the 2 of us, watch a movie????

Michael: Diana are you FUCKING stupid?

Desdemona: Ooh!

Diana: Excuse me?


I have never heard him say anything like that before.

Or even just talk like that in general before, but....to be honest.....I kind of like aggressive Mikey.

Michael: You heard me? Trying to get at me knowing damn well I'm no longer interested?

Desdemona: In front of my fucking face? Bitch, do you wanna get beat up or something?

Diana: Do you WANT me to press charges or something?


Diana: FINE!

She looked at us each up and down, BOTH, ONE. MORE. TIME....

Diana: I don't even wanna be in this place anyways.

And then for some odd reason, Michael just grabbed my face and began kissing me.'

Desdemona: Mmmmm.....Michael-

Michael: Girl.....mmmmmmm.......

Diana: AHA! Urghhhh! Okay, I see EXACTLY how it is!

We stopped.

Desdemona: Is that supposed to be a threat Diana? Is that a threat Diana? Do I need to call police and security?

And then she left, she just casually walked off and out as if nothing ever even happened in the first place.

And then once she was gone, I turned back to Michael.

Desdemona: Now back to you....

We started walking out of the mall/store.

Michael: What?

Desdemona: I like it when you act and talk like that.

Michael: Oh, do you?

Desdemona: I love it actually, so uhm, do you think you could uhh-

I cleared my throat.

Desdemona: Take us back home?

Michael: But we still have things to do babe.

Desdemona: Those things can wait babe.

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