Chapter 2

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Frida wrinkled her nose when she heard a dull noise not far away, suddenly waking up, looking around disoriented and confused. She ran her hands over her face to try to wake up more and sat up straighter in her seat, returning more conscious to where she was.

Sickness. Pain. Benny.

She turned her head to her left and found the driver's side empty, the keys removed from the ignition. Then, she looked straight ahead and noticed that they were in a fast food restaurant not far from her house.

"What the..." she muttered in a voice hoarse from sleep, confused. She turned her head to the right and looked outside the window car, only then noticing that the sky had turned grey, threatening rain, If not even snow.

She jolted again when the door behind her opened.

Benny quickly entered with a brown paper bag in hand.

Frida frowned as he placed everything at her feet, starting the car again and driving.

She didn't have the strength to ask him why they stopped, she just wanted to get home and lock herself in for the next few days. Months, If she could.

Alone and in silence.

She closed her eyes again when a new wave of nausea hit her suddenly due to the scents that came from the paper bag at her feet.

She took it and placed it on the back seat, abandoning herself again on the seat.

"You better?" Benny asked, turning to her briefly.

She sighed deeply "No".

Silence returned on them as Benny refocused on the road.

Fortunately, the traffic began to thin out as they got closer to the house and before long they stopped in front of the gate. Frida looked in her bag for the remote control to open it after having debated for a long time internally whether she felt like walking up the path that led to the stairs of the house or not.

Benny entered slowly and parked right in front of the stairs.

"Thanks" she said softly and grabbed her bag to go out. When her feet touched the ground, she gaped when she saw him getting out too "Where are you going?".

Benny sighed "I want to be sure that you'll be okay".

"It's not necessary, I can do it on my own now. You can go. See ya" and she moved to go around the car, her pace faltering when the pain in her lower abdomen began to be felt again. She stopped when a difference in level of the ground almost caused her to stumble.

"Come on, Frida. Let me help you" he said, wrapping an arm around her back, holding her up.

"No, Benny..." she insisted, trying to pull her arm away.

"How are you going to do the stairs alone? You can't even walk straight" he said sharply "I'll help you up so you can lie down. Then I'll be gone".

She moaned exasperatedly and rolled her eyes "I don't want you here! Is it so hard to understand?!".

He sighed, but decided not to answer as he gripped her arm tighter and they headed towards the steps of the house.

When they reached the top, Frida's breathing was labored and the pain in her belly was really raging. Benny left her a few seconds only to take her bag and search for the house keys. When he opened the door, he helped her again, looking hesitant.

"... Thanks" she said, leaning against him, her arms around her stomach.

"Let me take you upstairs" he said, wrapping his arms tighter around her body "You have to lie down right now".

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