Chapter 1

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Frida opened her eyes suddenly as If she had been startled awake by something. It took her a couple of moments to realize that her eyes were open, her breathing was labored and she was sweating like when you have a fever. She turned her head to her right and squinted her eyes to better read her alarm time, still having her eyes cloudy from sleep.


Fuck. It was so early and she had gone to bed so late the day before.

She grimaced suddenly as she felt a sudden pang in her stomach, one of those seemingly endless cramps that threatened to snap your belly and lower back in two.

Frida sighed, it wasn't like it was something that new, actually. Ever since she was a young woman, her period had always been accompanied by a painful and annoying preparation.

She curled up in her big bed and began rubbing her belly, mentally trying to remember when she'd expect that particular time of year.

She scoffed silently as she thought that her mood swings of that period must have been influenced by that too then. A small part, certainly, but it had evidently played its part.

Frida sighed deeply when another cramp finally passed and she tried to stretch her legs to relax the muscles in her lower abdomen.

When she was younger, she remembered all the times her grandmother had always told her that she needed to do less drama, that she was neither the first nor the last girl to have a painful period.

A small smile colored her lips when she remembered when she returned from school almost doubled over in pain and slowly went up to her room and found a hot water bottle waiting for her, the heavy blanket from her grandma's bedroom and a hot chocolate.

She grimaced, at that moment she'd have paid gold to get all that back, to be able to take a leap back to that period that seemed heavenly compared to now.

Frida sighed again and with great difficulty sat up in bed, pushing aside the covers. She opened the bedside drawer, but she found nothing that could help her. She knew the painkillers were in the bathroom cabinet, but the journey from the bed to there seemed almost miles long. When a further cramp finally made her breathe, she got up as quickly as possible and went in search of the longed-for pills.

She took two just in case and washed them down with a sip of water from the sink. She leaned against it to try to calm herself and then threw some cold water on her face.

She really needed to sleep, to find some peace, in her body and soul.

She wiped her face and slowly crawled back into bed, draping the soft cover over her head, curling up again and praying she could get some sleep.


When Frida woke up again, it was 6:45 and her stomach and back were killing her. The cramps had subsided, but she felt as If she had been hit by a truck. She already knew that she was going to be in pain all day.

She briefly thought about calling the studio and saying she was sick, but she knew she couldn't. They had a lot of work to complete, to start and it wasn't really in her plans to argue with anyone, at least for that day.

She forced herself out of bed and sighed with a grimace, trembling slightly when she tried to stretch her back.

She got up and got in the shower to try to relax. But in vain.

When she finished, she selected some comfortable, warm clothes from the closet, bypassing the heels for a pair of flat boots. She returned to the bathroom and as a precaution she decided to use a panty liner.

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