Chapter 9

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In contrast to the previous night, Tom woke up on Monday morning feeling well-rested and ready for... he didn't even know what anymore, not since Harry had come and turned his life upside down.

The morning started out pretty normal though. He, Dalamar and Clarence Pebblestone started getting ready right after the general wakeup call while Harry and Fulcran snoozed until quarter to eight; not being a morning person was apparently a common trait in Quidditch players. They went to the Great Hall together (except for Pebblestone who was used to keeping his distance), complaining about Mondays or otherwise chit-chatting.

Harry was sitting opposite to Tom at breakfast, nothing unusual there. He was talking to Avery about the spell they were supposed to practice for today's Transfiguration class, Tom was eating a toast in silence, when suddenly he felt something warm touching his calf. Thinking it was just someone stretching their legs, he instinctively moved it out of the way, but it was blocked on the other side, too.

He looked up at Harry, who was still chatting casually with Dalamar, though when he met Tom's eyes, the corners of his mouth twitched... That utter tosser. He closed in, now touching Tom's calf on both sides, and started slowly sliding his left ankle up.

Salazar help him – Harry was playing footsie with him in the middle of the Great Hall. Tom didn't know whether to be amused or appalled.

As he was coming to understand, Harry never did things in halves – once he set his mind on something, he was a man on a mission. At the moment, the mission was apparently teasing Tom to the point of insanity. Over the next few days, he never missed an opportunity to brush their fingers while handing him ingredients in Potions, rest his knee against Tom's under the table or throw him one of those warm little smiles. It kept Tom on edge, wondering if this wasn't too risky after all, but he wasn't someone to back away from a challenge...

So, he gave as good as he got. When Harry was doing the footsie thing again during the dinner on Wednesday, Tom actually slipped out of his shoe to trail his foot along Harry's inner thigh and eventually press it to his crotch, all the while innocently eating a pudding, registering only the satisfying hitch in Harry's breath. He kept his foot there, stroking gently, and when he finally looked up, Harry was sporting a most delicious blush, looking much too interested in the apple pie on his plate.

Tom was yanked into a broom closet on their way to the library (honestly, he was kind of expecting it).

"You complete wanker! That was just evil!" Harry chided, but he was snogging Tom breathless against the wall seconds later. As an apology, Tom kissed him back just as fiercely while undoing their belts and enclosing both of their cocks in his right hand. Harry moaned into his mouth, and Tom wanted nothing more than to watch him come undone by his hand again.

...Tom always got what he wanted.

It was Friday, Tom's patrol night, and Harry had been restless since dinner. He'd spent the week exploring his newfound attraction to Tom, and he was, quite frankly, hooked. It was a bizarre thing to be in his situation, but then again, his whole situation was bizarre.

Would Tom pay him a visit again? The memory from the dusty closet was still burning in the back of his mind, and while apprehensive, now that he'd gotten a taste, he was eager to try more.

He couldn't wait, but it was only quarter to eleven.

Screw this.

He literally couldn't wait. He put on the Cloak and sneaked out of the room.

Tom, being a Slytherin prefect, would usually patrol the lower levels. The ground floor was too risky with both the staff room and the caretaker's office being located there, the dungeons were a popular place for students to sneak out to, but the first floor was usually perfectly serene at night – the History of Magic corridor was apparently so boring even portraits didn't want to hang(out) there. It had no hiding places, but Harry didn't really have to worry about getting caught by the prefect, did he?

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